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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Absolutely. I have 2 US General boxes, and a Craftsman box set thats about 15-18 years old. The US General boxes are way nicer than the Craftsman box is. Back in the day I had a Snap-On box, and it was the cats ass, but for home use, the Harbor Freight ones are hands down the best bang for the buck.
  2. See what happens when a CEO is an idiot that runs his mouth and takes actions which alienate a large chunk of their clientele? Im looking forward to the new store, Ill have somewhere to go locally other than just Runnings again. Oh, and F you Dicks, you reap what you sow. Ill still never visit a DSG store again. I cant wait to watch your company go out of business, thats where its headed. Bunch of asshats.
  3. Saw this one licking my pile of trophy rocks near the driveway tonight. I didnt even have time to stop the car all the way, it was like taking a running shot with my rifle. Really exciting stuff!
  4. Checked my Cuddelinks when I got home, saw 1 small buck in an oak flat mid afternoon, but it was the same on every cam, thats a total of 6 between my cell cams and Cuddelinks. Not much action around my place today at all.
  5. 2019 HuntingNY Crossbow Harvest Thread Post up pics of your 2019 crossbow season deer here!  Only pictures with the associated story will be allowed in this thread. If you want to congratulate someone, please do it by clicking on the "like this" button for the post. There will be no exceptions. Feel free to start a new thread if you wish to have comments in addition to posting the photo and story here.
  6. 2019 HuntingNY Gun Harvest Thread Post up pics of your 2019 gun season deer here!  Only pictures with the associated story will be allowed in this thread. If you want to congratulate someone, please do it by clicking on the "like this" button for the post. There will be no exceptions. Feel free to start a new thread if you wish to have comments in addition to posting the photo and story here.
  7. 2019 HuntingNY Bow/Archery Harvest Thread Post up pics of your 2019 archery season deer here!  Only pictures with the associated story will be allowed in this thread. If you want to congratulate someone, please do it by clicking on the "like this" button for the post. There will be no exceptions. Feel free to start a new thread if you wish to have comments in addition to posting the photo and story here.
  8. My cams were dead today. Had a couple pics this morning and nothing since. Theyve been going nuts for weeks, last night and today, nada. I’m glad I didnt burn vacation.
  9. Thats funny, just a 10 rounder with a crazy spring. Ill probably take a couple of my kid's lego blocks and put them under the follower.
  10. Thats why I fenced mine. All around where the they were outside of the fence, they have them down to the dirt pretty much. Did you get any tubers?
  11. Depends on your area. My plots are getting hit pretty good.
  12. From what I have seen so far, I think they are mostly hitting smaller plants and the clover right now based on the areas of the plot they have been in. They have been pounding my clover plot as well lately.
  13. Well, it cant be removed without taking the rifle apart. In my county, ARMaglocks are fine, per the DA. I have the stuff, just havent installed it yet, so the mag thats in there is currently pinned "permanently". I do have to install a block in it though, as 5 rounds is all thats legal for hunting. Nothing a hunk of wood or plastic under the follower wont fix.
  14. The fun thing is, because of the posts we put out, I can see how many of them are within range of my stand and shooting tower lol.
  15. The one I have was a couple of grand. You can find less pricey ones though.
  16. I honestly like the look of that scope with the shade on it. Its great in crappy weather, keeps the snow and rain off the objective lens. I would have left the flip cap on the shade too, but it doesnt fit with these mounts.
  17. I havent put it on a scale or anything, but its much less than any of my other deer rifles or shotguns.
  18. I had one of these. It was a decent clays and skeet gun. Good price on it. Someone will enjoy it.
  19. I can do pics for you sometime. I’ve done property pics for a few people.
  20. This summer I pulled my 308 R700 VTR apart and sent it out for Cerakote, but haven’t put it back together yet, as I havent found just the right stock for it. I decided I would use my 6.5 Grendel for deer season this year. It should be great to carry, even with the scope it’s super light weight and pretty compact. I’m waiting for the Hornaday 132gr SSTs to come in so I can get it dialed in.
  21. Here’s another nice pic Of the plot and the east end of the property I got with the drone the other day. The leaves are starting to change and it’s looking pretty around here.
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