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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Anything smaller than a raccoon, Im not even hitting the brakes for. I never swerve for anything other than a human.
  2. I have my deer voodoo doll ready, bring on the moon!
  3. This guy was at 25 yards for me tonight. I hope He shows for Haley this weekend. We call him Claws. One of the nice 2 year olds hanging around. If he makes it through this year, he has some potential.
  4. I had deer in front of me for the rest of the evening. Just neither of the bucks I’m after. I had 2 bucks that just would not leave, so I had Haley drive through ATV back to me. Neither buck left until she was just about right at the tower. hopefully one of the better bucks that have been hanging around a lot show up this weekend for Haley.
  5. Been covered in deer for a while. Had a spike and that 8 from the other day come in and feed within range. Got the blood pumping.
  6. @Biz-R-OWorld here’s a black squirrel for ya. Big fat one too.
  7. Those are mainly for Haley but they are super nice to have for this setup. Don’t need my rangefinder
  8. Just watched a fawn try to nurse only to get a kick to the head lol.
  9. Nah. Not trying to self film and screw the pooch on either of the bucks I’m after.
  10. Just got in the tower. While I was On my way home I was Getting pics of bucks fighting 20 yards from where I am Now. Been here 5 mins and deer are coming into the plot already.
  11. Ill be in the woods this afternoon. Cutting out of work early. Out of the last 4 days, one of my target bucks has been in the food plot 3 evenings. Last evening I couldnt hunt, and both of my target bucks were fighting 25 yards from my tower stand. If they show up tonight, one of them is in trouble.
  12. I cant believe I have to do this already, but.... Only pictures with the associated story will be allowed in this thread. If you want to congratulate someone, please do it by clicking on the "like this" button for the post. There will be no exceptions.
  13. Back at the house. Awesome sit this morning. 6 different bucks and a crap ton of does. I’m wondering if I’ll regret passing the 8, but it’s way too early to worry about. Haley will be out with me tomorrow. Ever since my dad passed last year, she’s not sure if she can kill anything. I am going to take the first nice for that I can while she’s there with me to see how she reacts. I dont Want to see her give up hunting, but I’m not going to force her.
  14. Deer filtering back in again. Huge doe and 2 fawns 30 yards out
  15. Just passed a nice 3 year old 8 point. He walked in and went by the window at 25 yards. Felt strange, but I am After one of two bucks this year.
  16. A spike and does at 10 yards. Multiple young bucks in here now. Feeding, working licking branches. This is awesome.
  17. I’m covered in deer now. 15 in the plot and more coming in.
  18. Slept through my alarm this morning, so I’m off to a late start. Wind was perfect to sneak into the tower. When I walked In, there were 6 does at the other end of the plot. I quietly Climbed up and didn’t bump any of them. Sitting here watching them munch away now. I’m hoping one of the big boys shows up. I won Tickets to the Sabres home opener, so I dont Have a ton of time today.
  19. Yep. Thats him. I got a look at him once over the summer. Hes a stud.
  20. Dude, its like a light switch at my place. All summer I barely see an antler, then October rolls around and they come out of the wood work.
  21. notice how most of the other bucks are looking down there? They know whos boss
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