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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. After walking the plot, I noticed That quite a bit of it didn’t do as well as other parts. I think This will be my last year planting the generic seed from Turners. Some parts are about 2 feet deep and other areas are maybe 8”. Talked to a couple of others that used the same seed, and they had the same results. Next year I’m going to try either WI seed or Frigid Forage, as Ive heard great things about those brassicas. The red and ladino clover did great though. I ended Up taking the whole fence down. If they mow this down completely before gun season, I’ll be shocked. haley and I took Some of the posts and staked out 20, 30 and 40 yard markers from the shooting tower and the double set at the other end. It will make it nice for her to judge bow ranges.
  2. A before and after pic of my main plot. Turned out pretty good this year. It’s time to open up the buffet, fence is coming down tomorrow.
  3. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01AWFGIOO/ref=twister_B07GWZX7BY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  4. I have a pair of Vortex Diamondback 10x32 that I picked up last year for regular use. Love them, and they should be within your budget. Look on Amazon.
  5. This year Im shooting the first doe that steps into a lane. After that, its all about a mature buck. 4 year olds or better at my place. Over at the farm, its any doe that gets into range, bucks later, and only a 3 year old or older.
  6. Depending on weather conditions, most likely next Saturday.
  7. Ive had that happen before. I had a guy on the expressway sideswipe me and run. I chased after him and called 911 while I was doing it. They asked me to stop since i had his plate number, and a Sheriff would meet me to take the report. The Sheriffs tried to contact the guy, no response. My insurance company tried to contact him, no response. His insurance tried to contact him, no response for 3 weeks. Once he responded, he told them that i hit him and ran. Funny how I got his plate number while I was running lol. His insurance tried to say it was my fault and they werent paying. My insurance company went after his. I never ended up getting it fixed, would have had to pay out of pocket and wait for reimbursement. Luckilly it was just a fender. I have been searching for some good dash cams for my vehicles lately. Seems like you hear more and more that if you dont have video of the incident, the insurance company of the person at fault tries to not pay.
  8. No idea. It would be a good time to though, hes going through it this week according to his text.
  9. Man, youre a cheap bastard Steve! Do I at least get some honey mustard sauce?
  10. Then you should have seen where I posted that I got ahold of him.
  11. I have nothing to do with the store lol. I was talking about making Jay a moderator. McDonalds is disgusting.
  12. I do, and have let him know. Have you even been reading the thread? If you havent gotten your stuff, and want your money back, Paypal has a process, feel free. Otherwise, chill out and give him a chance to take care of shipments.
  13. Do I get Free Berbere wings out of it then?
  14. Message me. We could use someone that can be a bit more active to keep the reigns on the stooges around here.
  15. Yes, its not a medical issue, just busy with work and family.
  16. They both lead very busy lives. Sometimes I dont get on here for a while either. Priorities my man.
  17. Whelp, theres your problem, this is HuntingNY, not NYhunting. Just playin, I texted the owner a few mins ago. You should be hearing something from him soon.
  18. Hes a busy guy. Ill text him and let him know that there are people having issues. If you guys have these issues, send a private message to myself and Burmjohn, and I can flick him in the ear if he doesnt see the private message.
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