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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Of course it is. Just like if I said you were obnoxious, abrasive, or idiotic. Congrats....you win the narrow minded award for the day. It means drawing in the presence of game....you know that, you totally understand the difference, yet you played the obtuse card anyway. Pretending there is no differences between bows and crossbows don't make them disappear, you know. : 1 - nope. Now if I called you an a-hole, that would be name calling. Saying you are acting like a selfish jerk, is not name calling. 2 - I knew what you meant, figured id twist your tit and it worked perfectly. Thanks for the laugh.
  2. Spotlighting is different. You dont use them with deer because they are mesmerized by the light, hogs and other animals are not. That is the difference is fair vs unfair in that situation.
  3. First, saying someone is selfish is not name calling. Second, you do still have to draw a crossbow, it just stays drawn. Pointing out facts is not obtuse, well unless you are trying to dispute the facts I guess.
  4. I have other things higher on my list, but would only move a crossbow up the list faster if it had its own season that you couldnt use anything else in. Even when it gets added to regular archery season, I will be buying a new compound before a crossbow, and the crossbow I would buy would not be a compound version, it would be a recurve, probably an Excalibur.
  5. They got robbed two wks later......................................... FDXX75 That would be 2 months later lol. Who cases someones house, in another state, for 2 months. I am calling BS.
  6. I think someone is having their chain pulled. I knew I had gotten that same email before... http://wildcabbage.net/robbery-by-gps/ http://www.snopes.com/crime/intent/gps.asp :
  7. The biggest complaint I have about Gander is their lack of employees. You can go to the one in Henrietta and you might find 5 or 6 employees tops, and none of them have any time to help you. They have big firearms sales and 2 people working the gun counter. When I bought my shotgun, I waited for an hour just to have the chance to tell someone I wanted to buy the darn thing. Their archery department is a joke, I would never take a bow there after the last time they jerked me around. I do price compare between them and Dicks, its a toss up as to who has better prices, as each of them does better with certain things.
  8. I love tent camping, but with my daughter, it became too much. I still have one or two of my tents, sold a few others when I got the camper. We use the tents from time to time, but mostly for backyard campouts.
  9. You put it in like a favorite in your web browser, you dont have to retype it or search around through your recent destinations. Ive seen a similar email twice before as well. Think about it, why would your address in a GPS matter? Its not like your house is a secret or has a cloaking device lol.
  10. Now I can respect that. I dont agree with anything from the work "But" on down, but I can respect your opinion.
  11. Actually, seeing as the hunter numbers are shrinking, Id have to say the number of slob hunters are probably shrinking as well. Care to back yet another statement up with some numbers and facts? I agree that there are lots of slobs out there, they are in every season and use every style of weapon. Complain all you want about it, but the only thing that will make that number shrink would be better enforcement of the laws and stiffer penalties. What does that have to do with making crossbows legal?
  12. Actually there is plenty of data out there to negate your belief, just look at the other states that recently included crossbows. As for your different breed theory, you need to get around a little more, people are pretty much the same wherever you go. I've been all over the world, and in every state in the country..trust me, we are a different breed, and the rest of the country are the first ones to point it out, except for CA, where there are mostly NY transplants anyway..damn liberals gravitate towards one another. I'm not sure how bad the road hunting is by you, but that is the biggest problem around here. And it always starts opening day of the rifle season. And before you say a xgun is too big to fire from a vehicle, you have to realize that the bed of a pickup will be the perfect platform, as well as the mini vans with sliding doors on both sides. And as far as data, let's wait until two seasons have passed before using completely different areas as models. Ive been around plenty myself, and the only reason people point out NYers is due to the way NYC used to be back in the 70s, 80s and early 90s. In my experience, people are pretty much the same everywhere. The road hunters are no different in NY than in other states, go read up on the issues people talk about on other boards, Ive seen hunting shows on TV that show people road hunting on camera in other states. Referencing people doing something illegal makes absolutely no difference, if they are going to shoot from the back of a truck, they have always been able to do so with a crossbow seeing as they are not and never have been illegal to own in NY. There are plenty of states that have had crossbows for more than 2 seasons. See, that is what you guys do, the facts hit you in the face and then you find some way to try and make them less relevant. :
  13. It was a joke pumpkin, dont let it ruffle your panties.
  14. I agree that NYB would love to get there hands on data like that. Your insinuation that anyone opposed to crossbows in bowseason is "anti-hunting" is very offensive. I assume there are somethings that cross your line, violate your sense of right and wrong....rifles in gun season? Road hunting? Spot lighting? Any logic that leads you to the conclusion that crossbow opponents are "anti-hunting" most certainly doubles back upon you at some point. (That's called "hypocrisy," BTW.) Awwwww, you got offended? Im sowwy pumpkin. :
  15. I looked into that a long time ago. Unless one of them is falsifying their IP address, they are two different people. You cant hide or change your IP with different email addresses.
  16. I looked into that a long time ago. Unless one of them is falsifying their IP address, they are two different people. Gosh....you mean there might be more than one NY hunter opposed to crossbows? : Sure there is, albeit a small population, there are a few.
  17. While I do not agree with the idea that crossbows would cause more accidents, I would argue with your contention that there is "plenty of data." Particularly in states "that recently included crossbows." There are FAR more bowhunters than crossbow hunters in PA, for example. You would need to look at an incident/number of bow hunters vs incident/number of crossbow hunters to draw any kind of meaningful conclusion of accident rates. No one is keeping those statistics. The idea that a crossbow is inherently more dangerous than a bow should be apparent to everyone, however. Locked and loaded is always more inherently unsafe than unloaded. Any of the hunting accidents that are reported include the implement the accident occurred with. The stats could be generated by anyone with time. If the stats were skewed toward there being more accidents with crossbows, dont you think your beloved NYB and other anti-hunt...I mean anti-crossbow organizations would be throwing them around every chance they got? Come on man, you are smarter than that.
  18. I looked into that a long time ago. Unless one of them is falsifying their IP address, they are two different people.
  19. I feel the same way about you arrow, see, we can agree once in a while lol ;D
  20. Actually there is plenty of data out there to negate your belief, just look at the other states that recently included crossbows. As for your different breed theory, you need to get around a little more, people are pretty much the same wherever you go.
  21. Come on grow, that is a completely useless and childish tactic. A couple of years back a guy beat someone to death with a table leg. Anything can be dangerous if used improperly. What does a bow being misused and illegally fired within the city limits of Yonkers have to do with crossbows in the woods during hunting season?
  22. And the one about the Yonkers woman does not even apply to hunting, it was some jackass shooting arrows up into the air. So was the other link you posted. : If you are going to throw out accusations, try using examples that apply to the conversation.
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