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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I changed my mind.. I really don't like you much at all... you're kind of a douchebag Here you are the holier than tho, super law biding ethical hunter calling someone a douchbag . Your a real class act yep low class. Like I said before those who protest their innocence before they are judged must have something to hide. Antler, you remind me of the GEICO commercial where the guy comes out from under a rock. Good hiding place.Dave So let me get this straight. Its not OK for NYAntler to call someone a d-bag, but it IS ok for you to call him low class and say he lives or hides under a rock? Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black to me.
  2. This was a much bigger show Eddie. The one a couple months ago is a small one. I went this morning, the turnout was huge, place was packed. Prices on most stuff seemed a bit high. Saw alot of cool stuff, but I didnt leave with much. Had a good time looking though. I think I saw it all though, some guy was hocking 8 month old Girl Scout Cookies for $3.50 a box.
  3. I owed you one for calling me selfish....or elitist. You choose. Both are your attitude, calling you out on that is not name calling. Idiots on the other hand... :
  4. Looks just like mine. Have fun with it, just dont expect too much in the way of accuracy.
  5. Thats not the point Larry, just like the TAC15's limbs are 1/4 inch too short to be used. Any tactic to make crossbows look bad. You guys are truly idiots. : For those who truly need crossbows, this innovation would be a good thing. For all the lazy posers....I am glad they are illegal. And theres the name calling again lol. You are too funny.
  6. Typical of me? OK....LOL. Still....its a legitimate question. Sits n trees rallies the troops on AT...probably other places as well. He is most likely not alone. Crossbowers cheat. Everyone knows that. Yes, its completely typical of you. Every time someone shows facts that go against your grain, you try to diminish those facts in whatever way you can. Most of the time, it lacks any substance at all anyway. You NYB types rally your anti-crossbow "troops" to stand with you as well. Actually, your beloved NYB stands shoulder to shoulder with anti-hunters in the crusade against crossbows as well.
  7. Thats not the point Larry, just like the TAC15's limbs are 1/4 inch too short to be used. Any tactic to make crossbows look bad.
  8. Wonder how many were from out of state crossbow pushers? : typical of you to try and diminish the facts when they arent in your favor.
  9. Im with you, Buffalo has been playing great. Go Sabres!
  10. Like I said, refer to what the reps said during the meetings on crossbows last year about the letters and emails they recieved.
  11. Nobody is saying that NYB has not done some good things, but if you look deeper into the organization, you realize what their real deal is.
  12. NYB protects bowseason and bowhunters. They are the collective voice of bowhunters in NY...whether you like it or not. NYB tries to protect their own personal interests, not what most consider to be best for bowhunting or hunting in general. If they did, they would have more than a couple thousand members. They only like to think they speak for all bowhunters in NY, and they may have gotten away with that in the past. Now days, all one has to do is shoot an email to their representative, much more simple than sending a letter in the past. Now days, bowhunters can easily speak for themselves, and they are doing just that. Dont believe it? Refer back to the meetings last year about crossbows, where the reps clearly stated that the overwhelming majority of email and letters coming in favored crossbows. NYB is cutting their own throat with their anti-crossbow stance, they are showing their true colors. Its obvious that the majority doesnt agree.
  13. Of course you will have to buy an extra tag, theres no problem with that. If you dont want to hunt with a crossbow, then dont buy the tag, simple as that. If you havent noticed, NY is broke, which means DEC gets cut, and when they get cut, its bad for us as hunters. Another source of income for DEC is not a bad thing.
  14. Yep, they are located in Henrietta, a suburb of Rochester.
  15. Isnt this a Remington 750 thread? We already have a best bullet thread.
  16. If you think a Mission is even close to a Matthews, I suggest you go shoot a few of each.
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