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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Good lord guys, if you are gonna start this again, at least get it right. Ted doesnt and as far as anyone knows, has never done drugs and is staunchly anti-drugs and alcohol. :
  2. I posted the crossbow FAQs the other day. If you got the 2010 regs, they updated it more recently than 3 years ago, right?
  3. Yet another Pandoras box has been opened lol. This one should keep the site jammin for a while. ;D
  4. Ok, Burt, I apologize, I did end up finding info on the GM sensor. I was wrong. Second, gas boycotts would not work. Think about it, people would stock up just before and right after the boycott period. You cannot effectively boycott something like gas. Besides, China would buy what we dont use. Third, there is no supply and demand when it comes to the oil or gasoline equation, it is bought and sold as a commodity based on speculation. That is why gas can be delivered to a gas station when oil is at a certain price, yet they can raise the price of gas right along with the oil even though you are buying gas that was sold to the station at the lower price. Its all a shell game and should be illegal. The last time there was talk of closing the loopholes that allow this to happen in the futures laws, oil prices dropped and everyone forgot about it. From what I have seen, short of fusion, the only alternative we have to oil is nuke based power plants and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. We just dont have the infrastructure to do it yet. The fuel cell tech is there, nuke power tech is as well, but we need to get to work in making them viable. Ethanol is a joke, it takes more power to produce than it creates and there are some other issues with it as well, such as water supply to grow it and the types of emissions it does create being just as bad as carbon emissions from fossil fuels. For now, we need to drill more in this country, and more importantly, build new refineries. Right now we export most of the oil we pump out of the ground, then import the refined products because we dont have the capacity here. There hasnt been a new refinery put online in this country since 1976, you can thank the EPA for that.
  5. Actually all of the info on the crossbow changes is on the DEC site. They keep it very current.
  6. Most LEOs I have talked to carry 45 or 40, not alot of 9mms. Glocks are nice, Springfield XDs are also nice. I would not recommend the S&W M&P because of the hinged trigger, I just dont like it. I have the Springfield 40 and its just a plain good, smooth shooting gun. I can feed even the cheap Wolf ammo through it with no problems what so ever. It has the 10 round mags, and is a bit on the heavy side with a full clip, but not too bad. I picked it up 5 or 6 years ago at Gander Mountain on sale for @ $500 with the case, 2 stainless clips, a holster and some other goodies. You are going to be hard pressed to buy a new pistol for $300. Used, maybe, but new is gonna be really tough.
  7. Burt, I was saying that you cant tow while you run E85 because you cant, just stating a fact. The other fact is, the computer computes your range by looking at average consumption and whats in your tank. If your gas gauge isnt working right, it will be off. There is no magic E85 sensor that can adjust it lol. Im not trying to be a jerk, just telling you how the stuff works. BTW, those mileage computers are close sometimes, but they are never dead on. The only way to figure out your real fuel mileage is to fill your tank to the very top, drive and record how many miles, then fill it back up to the very top and divide your distance by how many gallons it took to fill back up. Like I said, my father has a Chevy S10 that is flex fuel capable and we have tested E85 and know what kind of mileage difference there was. It does not add up at the current or any previous price of E85.
  8. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/68802.html
  9. LOL. I love how you call opponents losers, then reveal you wanted full inclusion. News flash....you didn't get full inclusion. Losers. Im not calling the opponents losers per say, I am saying that NYB lost its fight to keep crossbows out of NY, therefore they are the losers in the situation. Looks like you need to buff up on your reading comprehension skills. Full inclusion will come soon enough. Get ready to be a loser yet again.
  10. Yeah thats why I mentioned it. From what I have heard it is kinda like setting them up for alky.
  11. Do you have a link to the info sss?
  12. DEC has FAQs about it on their site. It was posted around here somewhere a while back.
  13. BTW, Geno, you should do some research, the only cars that take full advantage of E85 are turbos, but you have to tune them specifically for it. I know some guys that have done it and gotten good results.
  14. My Dad has a S10 that is flex fuel capable and we tested the hell out of it, it just doesnt add up. Right in the owner's manual it tells you not to haul or tow anything while using E85.
  15. Thanks Full, Ill read that. BTW, here that slug I was talking about, the Remington Copper Solid
  16. I replied to it before I read the whole thread. :
  17. But your fuel mileage goes down the tubes, and you cant tow anything using the E85. It doesnt actually work out. And your car doesnt know you put E85 in the tank, it calculates your range by looking at how much fuel you are consuming per mile and how much fuel you have in the tank.
  18. LOL, please. NYB lost, and they will lose their new fight as well. I love how the losers are now trying to change their tune so that the loss seems to be less of a big deal. Oh, and crossbow proponents (any that I know of), want full inclusion, and have from the beginning. The foot is in the door, get ready for it to be opened the rest of the way.
  19. I almost forgot to address this quote, almost. That is nothing but pure BS. NYB failed their main objective on crossbows, which was to keep them out of the woods in NY. I figured you guys would start changing your tune to try and deflect from the point that you already lost. LMAO
  20. Ive heard the same rumor. Havent seen anything about it from DEC yet.
  21. Exactly. Neither includes the crossbow......LMAO Give it a year or so.
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