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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Congrats! I love the Hawken, would like to have one of those one of these days.
  2. We were discussing whether or not the kid was hunting. Its a perfectly valid question within the discussion. I agree, how the heck do you mistake a person for a deer?
  3. You still didnt answer either question. Here, Ill repeat them. "what is the basis of harassing or the huge inconvenience with wearing a back tag? Have you been fined for not wearing a back tag?"
  4. So you cant come up with an answer and you resort to an insult? How about the answer to the last question I asked, thats a pretty simple yes or no.
  5. Was the kid walking through the woods in a direction toward stationed shooters? Yes. Was he wearing orange (which he removed and kept driving) so he could be seen during the drive? Yes. Was he walking right next to his father or other guardian? Apparently not. Sounds a heck of alot like participating in a deer drive to me, which is classified as hunting. If he had been walking right next to his father, then I could see it as him tagging along and not actually driving the deer. Now ask me if I think its a good idea to let a kid participate in a deer drive to begin with.
  6. No problem. I agree that something needs to change with the way they count deer, but like I said, we are on the down slope of the plan to downsize the herd. The tradition of handing out large numbers of DMPs is a relatively new one, and I dont think it can really be called a tradition, more like management plan. BTW, did you notice the percentage of DMPs that get filled? 16%.
  7. Theres a difference between having your kid sit or walk with you and having them as a driver on a deer drive. If they are acting as a driver, they are assisting. If they are looking around with binos in a stand or blind, they are not assisting.
  8. You can find the number of DMPs they were wanting to hand out this season here... http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/30409.html
  9. What kind of sense would it make for the DEC to eradicate deer? Deer hunting is a pretty large chunk of their income, and eradicating the deer would end up with no deer hunting and thus, they would take a huge hit in income. Makes no sense at all. While I dont necessarily agree with everything the DEC is doing, and has done, you do realize that we are on the down slope of the DEC's plan to cut down on an over population of deer? Some areas are still over populated. So many guys are just spoiled by the huge herds that were around, and the land could not sustain them. There were record numbers of car accidents with deer and many other issues caused by them. BTW, according to the DEC website, the largest number of DMPs issued was in 2002 and the number was 770,992. Not sure where your numbers are coming from. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/47743.html
  10. They dont exactly sound like pillars of their communities lol. Three of them were drinking in an uninspected car (at least one was driving), spotlighting and shooting deer across a road.
  11. You can be fined for not obeying the law? Thats a big shock. Thats not harassing law abiding citizens, you wouldnt get the fine if you were obeying the law. So again I ask, what is the basis of harassing or the huge inconvenience with wearing a back tag? : Have you been fined for not wearing a back tag? How about you nycoyotehounds?
  12. Im not upset, just trying to clarify. Bob, Ill bet it hit the antlers, they were so darn big, the shot had to have hit them.
  13. So how exactly does a backtag harass law abiding citizens? Thats what Ive been asking and nobody has answered it. What the heck is the big issue here?
  14. Nope. I dont even remember when or where I picked up calling people Bub. Its not a bad thing, but some people seem to take offense to it. I call most of my friends Bub, its better than "dude" lol
  15. I didnt say its ok to break traffic laws, just admitted that I did it. I pride myself in not being a cheating hunter, so yes, I keep my nose clean with that.
  16. What are you talking about? I already said I made a bad shot, thats not the issue. Oh, and if I could practice for the deer making an unexpected jump or bound, Id already be doing it. I spend alot of time and money each year to keep my shooting skills up to par lol.
  17. LMAO Doe! Ill post my mug shot when I get it done.
  18. HAHAHA, I love saying Bub. Gets under the skin if used right.
  19. One hell of a deer! Congrats to the lucky hunter!
  20. Nope, I speed pretty regularly, but I always stop completely at stop signs. I wasnt aware that we were talking traffic laws here. I do however, comply with ALL hunting regulations. I think its pretty funny that you brag about breaking the game laws on a hunting website and then get all defensive when someone calls you out on it. Pretty funny bub.
  21. Ive noticed that they offer the courses alot for the months before the seasons open, then they trail off for a while. Keep your eyes open and keep checking the schedules.
  22. Guess what bub, if you arent wearing your backtag while hunting in the SZ, you are breaking the law. The truth hurts, eh?
  23. Go to the DEC interactive map on their site, you can get very detailed maps, aerial photos, topo, etc on there of anywhere in the state. I used hunt Hi Tor, years ago. Almost got shot on opening day one year, never went back.
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