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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Of course they did, they will plea bargain it down to fewer or lesser charges.
  2. I understand what you are saying, and I think that hunting in my area is pretty good as well. I do see the huge losses in hunter numbers in NY as very troubling though. All that does is weaken our sport in this state, and I feel that is not a good thing due to the "NYC libera panty waists" that dont just want to control things like logging, etc. They want to put an end to hunting. I just feel that we need to do something in NY that is really viable to improve the system for the long run, not just some gitchy programs.
  3. So your not even eligible to buy a gun in NY then.
  4. Im not just saying the questions I have asked. If you want to know, its simple, just use the little rectangle on the right edge of your browser window and scroll to see them. In no way have I said that my opinions are better than yours, but I do say for sure that not changing anything will not improve anything and will in fact, make it worse. I just think you are too smart to be one of the cherry picking, snide remark goofballs that pull drive bys on people's opinions. I know you have an opinion and would love to hear about it and discuss it. Dont worry, I dont hold my breath for things, especially for things that have to do with NY and politics.
  5. Keep an eye on Dick's and other sporting goods stores. You can get a decent .22 for @ $100 brand new if you watch the sales.
  6. I'm not a huge crossbow proponent, but this is simply false. NY has a high bowhunting population...about 220k IIRC. More bowhunters stop hunting because of age/physical stature than any other issue. Crossbows will help hunters (regardless of draw loc use) hunt longer (retention) into their elder years. Most states that allow crossbows throughout also have younger average age of entering hunters. PA is a fail for many reasons, not simply AR. And, remember, I'm against AR. Yeah, and a substantial percentage of NYS bowhunters aren't even in favor of crossbows during bow season. So you think these guys will do an about face when they get old and lame and go out and get that crossbow? Again, I HIGHLY doubt it. What in the name of god are you talking about? If someone like to hunt archery season and can no longer draw back a bow for whatever reason, why wouldnt they go to a crossbow. Also, if NY shortened gun season to a week, if those gun hunters want to get in the woods, they will pick up a crossbow. Id be willing to bet that many more would do that rather than give up hunting all together. Again, more doom and gloom that just doesnt add up. Come on steve, rather than cherry pick or throw stats out there from other poorly managed states or make snide remarks, why dont you answer some of the questions being presented to you?
  7. Ahhhh, your A/C bill must rival a normal heat bill then.
  8. What are you talking about? First, most of the replies on the F/S site are not from Ohio hunters. Second, I say it is laughable that people need to put others down for what they have accomplished within their locations legal parameters. If you want to turn this thread into another AR debate, go right ahead, but thats not what it started as. There are lots of threads on the board debating each and every topic you mention.
  9. How would anyone have less time to hunt? Ohio has a longer season overall, just not as much gun season. If you dont shoot a bow and want more time in the woods, pick up a crossbow, they arent that hard to learn to shoot. I just plain do not agree with your doom and gloom scenario. You dont hear about problems like that in Ohio, why would you hear about them here? There is already a shortage of private land to hunt in NY for free, whats the difference? Public land hunting is great in Ohio from what I have heard from every person Ive talked to that hunts out there. Look at other states (Like OH, IA, IL, etc) hunter retention rates, then look at ours and tell me what you find. Like I said, you wont find the numbers dropping like ours do (fast). Steve, you can pound your chest about how great NY is all you want, and how much you dont care about the quality of the deer you hunt, but there is obvious room for improvement and something has to be done before our sport dwindles down to nothing.
  10. Take a peek at the weather forecast. Why in the world was your A/C on? It wasnt THAT warm lol.
  11. I love how people jump to conclusions and clown the guy for using legal tactics and the weapon of his choice. Completely laughable. Congrats to the hunter, its a gorgeous deer.
  12. Ill be in my stand Friday afternoon (if I can get out an hour early or so), all day Saturday and Sunday morning. It should be a great weekend with the forecast weather conditions.
  13. If you like Ohio's management system, quit hunting in New York State and go hunt Ohio! Don't forget to bring your wallet either.$$$$$ Ohio is still cheap to hunt. Plenty of public land with good hunting. Why would you tell someone that would like the system here to improve that they should move rather than try and make a difference? I never said a thing about him moving. I said if he likes the way Ohio manages there deer and dislikes the way NY manages there deer then Ohio would probably be better hunting for his needs. You said he should stop hunting NY and hunt OH instead, is that not equivalent to moving your hunting area? You are obviously just spouting blind feelings instead of facts. You even admit to not even knowing how much it would cost to hunt in OH right after you said to bring your wallet. How easy do you think it is to find "prime land in prime deer country" in NY? Let me tell you, as a resident of the Fingerlakes region, which is about the most prime whitetail land you will find in NY, its not easy at all and a lease costs money. Its no different in Ohio other than the fact that their system is geared toward hunters having a more quality hunting experience rather than just a "your lucky to have an experience" like in NY. Its not all about the rack anyhow, its about retention of participants. Other, more properly managed states are not having hunters dropping out of their ranks at a rate like we are. Face it, NY is not a hunting destination for most. Nobody wants to come here to hunt young deer that get blasted away at for a month with guns. If we dont change that, eventually we are not going to have enough of a hunter base to make a difference in influencing state policies regarding our sport. We live in a very liberal state, mostly controlled by a bunch of people down in NYC that could care less about hunting. What do you think would happen to our sport if left to those that dont care for or about it? I dont support mandatory AR, as I dont think its what will work in the long run. The only things that will really make a difference (just in my opinion) would be to go to a similar style of management as Ohio has. Short, spread out gun seasons, allow Bow and Crossbow to hunt the entire season, and only allow 1 buck per year. Keep the DMP system similar to what it is now and institute mandatory reporting on each tag (not just each kill) before you can purchase the next year's license with no exceptions. Let timber companies into state forests (for a fee to the DEC) and hold them responsible if they dont follow the rules. I dont understand why NY cant just do what works and has been proven to work, rather than just try this program and try that program.
  14. If you like Ohio's management system, quit hunting in New York State and go hunt Ohio! Don't forget to bring your wallet either.$$$$$ Ohio is still cheap to hunt. Plenty of public land with good hunting. Why would you tell someone that would like the system here to improve that they should move rather than try and make a difference?
  15. Dont get me wrong here, Im hoping for the majority of rut activity to happen before gun season, I just know that ever since I have been following Alsheimer's predictions, I have seen the most chasing activity of the season right around the times he has said. All we can do is wait and see. BTW, I never said you were attacking Alsheimer, I said you attacked his prediction. If you are right, then this weekend all heck should break loose in the woods. Its gonna be cold, partly cloudy and no precip.
  16. Glad to hear you are ok. Im afraid these kind of people are not just found in hunting, they are everywhere, in every type of group. Ignorant jerks.
  17. This guy sounds like a waste of flesh. Drop him in the lake with concrete shoes and flush his genes out of the pool.
  18. Dont let people fool you, that Bushnell will last you. Mine is over 5 years old and I have shot it alot with no issues what so ever. Take a look at Vortex as well, they have a 2-10x32 with 4.5 inch eye relief for $119 retail, you can get it cheaper than that through sfwa.com, its a great site.
  19. I have seen more popping up the last few days. I have heard from people that work for the towns around here that they are saving money by not picking up the carcasses anymore. The coyotes are gonna boom in population if they keep that policy.
  20. You should be able to click in the field next to the magnifying glass, type and then hit enter. Worked for me 3 seconds ago.
  21. biggame, Rkill takes a few seconds to run. I have never seen Malwarebytes knock out a network connection. Eddie, thats very odd, I downloaded it twice today.
  22. That makes sense, there are many other animals that are capable of extending gestation periods in the wild.
  23. I don't know if you read my opening post, but there was a doe in heat on my farm on monday, October 25th. The buck and doe were seen by nearly everyone on the farm. They were bedded in an open hayfield all day. She was in heat, and unless the buck was gay, I suspect she was bred. How exactly did you know she was in heat? Did you take her temperature? Just bustin chops.
  24. They werent thinking at all, at least not thinking reasonably, or they wouldnt have done it.
  25. What dumbasses, I hope they both serve jail time. I really love this comment from the know nothing cop... "Like a bow and arrow but it's actually more powerful than a traditional bow so it's a very dangerous weapon.'Had the arrow not hit a wall and gone through a window, we could have had tragic results," said Captain Brad Weidel. right...... "more powerful than a traditional bow". If you are talking about a light poundage recurve, sure. Compared to a decent compound, BS. Gotta love the anti spin put out there by the media. :
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