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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by BizCT

  1. Yea, I got into Grand Central around 9am and there were fire trucks and cops flying up and down the roads....I work in Times Square and its crazy here too, buildings evacuated. I assume this is unrelated.... view from my office in Times Square.
  2. For 30+ years my Dad (not a bowhunter) always took the first week of the gun season off and then hunted during the week in the mornings before work. He told his boss if he wasn't there by 8am during deer season, it was a sick day and he wouldn't be in. He has several pictures of bucks he shot where you can see his shirt & tie underneath his hunting coat. Pretty cool. He would get into his spot (on the ground) 30minutes before light and hunt till about 715am, then walk out of the woods and drive straight to work in Connecticut.
  3. Nice Good Luck! November and December is busy season where I work and we are limited to 2 days per month, so I can only hunt NY shotgun season and late ml(crossbow) on the weekends and holidays (tgiving & day after). I try not to take any single days here and there throughout the year and use my vacation days & sick days in 1 week blocks for hunting trips. I havent had a legitimate sick day in my professional career so far (4+ years). 2012 vacations as follows: 1 week in February went to N. Ontario, Canada for Wolf 1 week in March went to Arizona for Mt. Lion 1 week in May went to Vegas with my girlfriend 9/29-10/6 I am going to Wyoming for Mule Deer & Antelope 10/26-11/4 I am going to Arizona for Mt. Lion & Coues Deer 12/30 - 1/5/13 I am going to Minnesota for Bobcat
  4. Looking for people that might be interested in joining on a land lease in the Albany, Rennselear, southern washington or saratoga counties.
  5. Yes, we know. But the state deemed fair market value at $72,900, which was over-priced in my opinion. After a year the state gave in and let us sell it for whatever we want. It is now listed at $59,900 and will be at that for a while. We have gotten offers around 40 from investors. I assume they would use it as commerical or maybe even knock the house down and build something else.
  6. There is nothing to bust my balls about anyway, so you make no valid point. Not being from WNY, it gives me an opportunity to reach out to people in the area. It has gotten over 500+ views and I have received multiple PM's about it. I am not surprises, I know the house is in a depressed area, hence the reason we have lowered the price $2-$3K every few days. I am not a troller whose only post is this one. I've posted 2 guns for sale (1 of which sold) and this house. I haven't heard 1 complaint about it, except from you.
  7. Awesome buck! Please tell me he got it mounted! Just one question....161 was the biggest gun deer taken in NY in 2011? Seems like too low of a score, no? That barely makes B&C book. Figured it would take 170-180+ each year to win.
  8. Dont see any pics of clients with dead animals?
  9. I understand that, but if you can't get people from within driving distance to pay these amounts, I doubt you will get someone from NY to pay when they have to pay for flights as well. Do you have any pics of "SUCCESSFUL" hunts? Also confused about your previous promotions: It got reduced to $2,795. Now it is reduced to $2,895?
  10. I have never seen an outfitter so desperate for business. Good Outfitters raise prices each year, not drop them. If somebody is interested, they should offer $1,000 for the hunt. $1,000 is better than $0, right? How many other states are you advertising in and still looking for clients? Not a good sign.
  11. Nobody cares about your nonsense talk....If you aren't interested, move along.
  12. Oh ok, well anyways.....WHO WANTS A HOUSE FOR THE PRICE OF A CAR?
  13. Cano's last 28 days.... .233 avg, 3HR Cano's last 14 days..... .150 avg, 1HR Cano's last 7 days....... .105 avg, 0 hr, 0rbi Cleaning out his system? Suspension looming?
  14. Melky's best friend for years was .........Cano........just sayin'
  15. Here's the list for Hunter's Safety Courses. Scroll down to find Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, and Ulster Counties. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/9191.html
  16. One of those Weatherby's was already sold. Only 1 left. You can have the house and the .300mag for $50K total........you want it?
  17. Now officially $59,900 http://www.realtyusa...sName=BuffaloNY SOMEBODY MAKE AN OFFER!
  18. Sorry, didnt know.....Good Deal though. Good Luck! why you selling it?
  19. I think my Mom grew up in Depew until about 7th grade. From what I remember as a kid visiting there in the summer, it seemed like a nice area. Yea, I have no idea about the taxes, etc in comparison to other nearby places. It's a whole other world up there in WNY. We are trying to sell a house for 1/4 of what I paid for a 1BR Apartment last year.
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