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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by BizCT

  1. Like I said, I like to have it in my back pocket incase I see a cool looking doe. Last year I mailed 1 to a member on this site.
  2. Bow-only in Putnam? where? Putnam is a shotgun county
  3. Crossbows in archery for 2013? I pray! On a side note, wonder if this would spike the prices in Crossbows? I already have one, but I could see an influx in crossbow purchases.
  4. Was just giving a heads up to people on the site who have more than 2 posts, that the lease is most likely negotiable being that its been on the market for 2-3 months.
  5. I used to live on the Upper East Side in NYC, tons of fresh beaver there.
  6. This my first year ever using a trail cam also. My Dad and I hunt 8 acres of property behind houses that borders many other acres of private land we can't go on. In years past, I pass on spikes and 4's early in the season, but take them later on. We dont see many deer each year, but when we do its usually a 50-50 chance its a buck. Between my Dad and I were 25 bucks in 18 years off this 8 acres. 11 out of the 25 are 6 point or better. Seems like every year there is 1 6+pt buck and 1 smaller buck. Last year my Dad got a big 7, I got a 3pt. This year with the trail cam, we got a spike, a 4, and 6-8.....because of the trail cam pics, I will definitely pass the spike if I see him opening day, maybe even pass the 4.
  7. Great bucks.I'd gladly shoot any of them at 7am on 11/17.
  8. Any experience taking videos? My camera has the option.Not sure of the pros/cons.
  9. I wish a natural disaster would take it out or some kids would burn it down lol. I did not get a PM?
  10. UPDATE: The house is for sale again. NY State will not allow us to sell the property for this cheap because of minors involved in the will of the estate. So annoying, but anyway we are legally allowed to list it at $49,900. BACK FOR SALE AT $49,900. Any written offers over $30K will be taken serious and submitted to NY State for their approval so we can sell this place already.
  11. Not going to spend over $100 on a cam that could get stolen. This is not my property. Kids go through on quads and about 150 yards away from this camera I found the remnants of a recent campfire. Luckily, none of these things seem to scare the deer away.
  12. Time afield, but the proper way. Little no movement,scent-free, and in a decent deer location. Guys can spend 12 hours a day in the woods for weeks and not see a deer if they are constantly moving around.
  13. the biggest buck has 3 on 1 side, you think he has a spike on the side, making him only a 4 pointer?
  15. THIS IS NOT A JOKE. 100% SERIOUS. $35K, CLOSE BY 10/31/12. ANY TAKERS?
  16. Nah, I wouldn't shoot the spike on opening day of shotgun season, but probably would towards the end of the season.
  17. Just realized I got the spike on the follow dates/times: 8/12 @ 636pm 8/19 @ 724pm 8/26 @ 708pm Talk about coincidence.....every 7 days at almost the same exact time....no pics of him in between the above times.
  18. Can you zoom and see what the 2 bucks besides the spike are? I can't quite figure it out? Hopefully I catch them on camera again.
  19. Really? What do you think the buck is? Pic # 20 looks like 3 on 1 side, whereas pic # 21 looks like a fork and im not sure about the other side? Figured it was 2 bucks walking in a line down the trail.
  20. As previously stated, this is my first year ever using a trail camera. I had it on a trail that I know deer use during the hunting season and got pics of a spike and fawns. I moved the camera about 10 yards away where there are a bunch of acorns. This time I got a 42 pics in 3 weeks. I hunt a 8 acre piece of private property behind houses. The same spike with crazy shedding of hair look now. A red Fox Fawns A doe Bobcat? My questions are for those who know how to zoom clearly or just know how to read trail cam pics better than me: 1. The pic on 8/22 at 750am (pic # 20), am I imagining things or that 3 on 1 side? Looks like the same buck on 8/27 at 7:17am (pic # 31)? Is this a 6 or 8? 2. The pic on 8/22 at 751am (pic # 21), just 1 minute later. Is that another buck? Looks like a fork on 1 side? Same morning at 10:04am (pic # 22), looks like the same buck coming back the other way? Looks like a fork? 3. Am I correct in thinking I got 3 separate bucks on trail cam? 4. Pic # 36 on 8/30 at 8:15pm. Bottom left-hand corner is this a bobcat? They are in the area. Thanks in advance to all who can help a first-timer.
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