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Everything posted by BizCT

  1. I cannot catch a fkn break lately. Suppose to flight out Saturday, 3/17 to go to Northern Ontario for a 5 day wolf hunt. Temps were as low as -30 when my Dad went 2 years ago to the same spot around the same time. Common temps are more like 0 - 20 above..........anyway, its currently around 50-60 ABOVE right now.....all the snow is melting, so everything is flooded, and of course the wolves aren't as desperate to come into bait or calls when its 50 above as opposed to 20 below.......this trip went from me preparing by buying special pac boots for sub zero temps, etc to the guide saying maybe we should reschedule........the thing that sucks is that the flights to get up there cost $1600/person........Pennsylvania was extremely warm (60-70 degrees) when I went in early November, Minnesota Bobcat hunt got postponed in December due to lack of snow, Arizona Mt. Lion hunt was great weather, just caught a few bad breaks and came home empty handed...gotta go back in October, and now this!!!
  2. BizCT

    what taxidermist?

    + 1.........amazing work!
  3. 45ACP. The reviews I read all say the Governor is a better version of the Judge. http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2011/08/chris-dumm/gun-review-sw-governor-take-two/
  4. just figure its small and compact, yet big enough for bear. The shotshells could be cool for NY while deer hunting and if a fox or other small varmints run by.
  5. What are your guys thoughts on this pistol? Seems really versatile...I read about in a magazine, seems pretty cool. Looks to me like it would be good for home defense, bear defense, etc. Could be used for anything and everything. I dont think the laser grips are necessary, I'd go with the standard model for $679. http://www.cabelas.com/product/Smith-Wesson-Governor174-Revolver/1275164.uts?Ntk=AllProducts&searchPath=%2Fcatalog%2Fsearch.cmd%3Fform_state%3DsearchForm%26N%3D0%26fsch%3Dtrue%26Ntk%3DAllProducts%26Ntt%3Dgovernor%26WTz_l%3DHeader%253BSearch-All%2BProducts&Ntt=governor&WTz_l=Header%3BSearch-All+Products
  6. Luckily for us down here in westchester county, trout season is year-round on the nyc reservoirs. Only the streams have the April 1st start.
  7. No, every hunt doesn't have to be DIY to be real. I am simply talking about the fact of whether or not the animal is fenced in. For example, on my Arizona Mt. Lion hunt, I 100% would have gotten one if they were fenced in. The dogs after 6 days would have caught one. Because I was on a fair-chase hunt, even after close to 1,000 miles in 6 days, I still didnt even get to see one.
  8. should have it back from the taxidermist within the next month or so.
  9. Not alive, but here you go! lol. I took this one on Halloween with a crossbow in Pennsylvania. Getting a full-body mount, should have it back within the next month or so.
  10. Haha, how else would you hunt Mt. Lion? I just go by Boone & Crockett, fences = doesn't count. Someday you'll be able to sit at your computer watching a live feed of animals in enclosures walk around. Then with a push of a button, you will shoot the animal. The preserve will send you your meat and hide for taxidermy work. Is that hunting too? I'm sorry if I offend you. I just believe in fair-chase animals, no fences. I'm not against using hounds for people who bird hunt, etc. If people want to hunt enclosures for the meat to feed their family, I guess I partially understand? but to mount an imported animal that doesnt even naturally reside in the area just seems weird to me. Especially when the animal cannot technically ever run away from you. The animal can only run to the fence line.
  11. simple as this: Real Hunting = NO FENCES!
  12. I dont know if you can legitimately consider a 1-day preserve hunt a "real hunt", but to each its own I guess.
  13. About an 1-2 hours from Tucson.
  14. Snow was only needed in Minnesota for bobcat hunt....it got postponed till next December....the Arizona hunt is only dry ground....the guide, Wade does not run his dogs in snow....dry ground only.
  15. Pics attached....although, they dont do it any justice....the videos I have are insane.
  16. My Dad got one with Stony Brook Outfitters in Maine with dogs. The owner, Bob Parker also offers Bear hunts over bait for a little cheap. Either way is near 100% success rates. Reasonable priced too, last I remember a baited bear hunt was like $1600 for a week, everything included. My Dad also got a Bobcat with this outfitter as well on a separate hunt.
  17. Yea it was a great experience. I have a lot of confidence I will be successful, when I go back in October.
  18. Well my bad luck continues….after my Minnesota Bobcat Hunt in December was cancelled due to a lack of snow; I booked a dry ground Mountain Lion hunt in Southern Arizona. Long story short, I came home empty handed……..FOR NOW. Day 1 = In the afternoon, we decided to try for a 5 ½ - 6 year old (130-150lbs) Tom that would have made the Arizona state record books (14” skull minimum). After a very tough 10-12 miles on foot (4K-9K elevation), we ran out of light before catching up to the big Tom. Track probably was 2 nights old and not 1 night old. Therefore, this lion was much farther away than we initially thought. Days 2 & 3 = Didn’t find any fresh tom tracks, only older tracks or fresh female tracks, which I decided to pass on. I really wanted a mature 3+ year old Tom. Day 4 = I decided to go after a Tom that was approx 3 years old and approx 95-105 lbs. We followed the tracks all day long, but came up empty handed. He had zigzagged with a female and a young female whose tracks were also fresh, making it tough on the dogs to follow the correct path. Day 5 = We cut off this 3 year old Tom, 8 miles away, and set out for a last minute try. Once again, we just ran out of daylight. All in all, it was a great experience. We hunted some tough terrain at high elevations (thin air). I strongly recommend Wade Eckel at KillerLionHunts.com. He runs 90% success rates on 5 day hunts, and never had anybody go longer than 8 days before getting one. Unfortunately, I was unable to stay longer, although I was invited. I will be heading back in October to get my Lion! Instead of taking a smaller tom or female, I decided I would come back for my Tom. I chose a dry ground hunt as opposed to a snow hunt and I’m glad I did. It was awesome. I saw tons of Coues deer, a few Kudamundi, bunch of Jackrabbits and Cottontails, some Javelina, few Merriam turkeys, and luckily no snakes. Wade is amazing at what he does. He has been hunting the southern Arizona mountains/ranches for a long time, and knows their travel routes, etc. I had same bad luck, but can’t wait to go back in a few months and get my lion. I am extremely confident in Wade and his operation. We covered an area of 80x60 miles, by Truck, ATV, and foot. His dogs are top-notch. His lodge is awesome in the middle of the desert. His wife is the hostess/cook and you actually eat breakfast and dinner with his daughters, etc. It’s really a great family operation.
  19. Makes sense. Thats why I never bought land yet. Could never justify it. But have no problem justifying 5 hunting trips in 2012 lol.
  20. awesome! Looks like a big yote too!
  21. Not talking about houses....talking about land only.....try zillow.com, type in NY under $50K and theres about 700+ pieces for sale in NY state, then sort by lot area, and check out all the pieces well over 50 acres. But yes, I agree its a lot of work with no gaurantees. Thats why Im thinking NJ or CT where its closer to me location-wise and you can bait, and additional buck tags to NY.........or what looks like the best option is hunting trips. Thanks for the thoughts, everyone. Im off to Arizona on sunday for a mt. lion hunt.
  22. Are you kidding? Western NY, I could easily get 20-30 acres for $30K. Same with upstate NY as well. Biggest issue is watching the land, and if its even going to be used since I already have access to good hunting land closeby. Thats why I am thinking out of state for extra buck tags.
  23. Other option is invest the $ and its good for 5-10 hunting trips over the next few years.
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