Yes, I didn't get a single apple, peach, pear or cherry off my trees. March was a record warm month last year. A disaster for the fruit crop. This year, so far looks more normal, in terms of temps.. Precip. is still on the light side, by viewing local conditions.
I miss the local crop. The types of soil minerals add a certain flavor to the end product. Some of the best tasting in the world.
Any WNY's, old enough to remember the Saint Patrick Day snowstorm of 1936? They say sky dumped 20" of wet snow one afternoon.
That was also the year of the big flood that washed several bridges out.
Sunday and Monday was in the 60's here, Back to reality yesterday, all downhill. Sooner have the snow and cold now instead of during turkey season. The youth hunt is usually nasty. Let hope for nicer weather this year.
My cars clock is still an hour behind. Last year, I just left it that way, so I was set for the fall, just had to remember. Our new one, my wife had it set in two blinks of an eye.
Would think it would go rancid if the can didn't seal. We'll once u throw in the onion, pickle, pepper, slice of tomato, potato chips, and mayo, might not be able to tell the difference.
My BIl like peanut butter in his, LOL.