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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. How great would it be to hunt anything in that landscape some pictures from my drive between California and navada
  2. Well picked up the rental last night slept in vagas drove all the way to Santa Barbara only thing I saw on the 300 plus mile trip was crows and seals at the pier in Santa Barbara
  3. He really was the Clintons and dems tried to rig the primary so that it was a lock that she would get the nomination by putting up the worst unelectable person they could find against here / Bernie Sanders/ Obama both were put there to make hilary look good but it did not work right . Lol She is just is that unlikable .
  4. Going out to vegas was wondering what's the closest place around there that people hunt big game ? Not going to hunt there on this trip but for future trip maybe would like to .maybe take drive if just to see what is around while I'm there if I have time . Been there long time ago dont remember seeing anything but dessert near by . Any state land that can be hunting with in a days drive of there ?
  5. Alex jones would blame Google and apple:)
  6. Yep my only criticism about trump is maybe he should think about what he says sometimes because these lefty media dirtbags will take what he says out of context and try and use it against him. Besides that he has been doing a good job considering most the government hates him .
  7. Interesting when I said I like small game hunting just as much as big game I was expecting to be in the minority here . was not expecting so many guys to say the same , I was thinking more guys would say big game and using some large bore rifle as being there favorite. Since open day of deer gun season is when you usally see more hunters around .
  8. Google, Facebook, Twitter face EU fines over extremist posts https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-45495544 The only problem I see with that is what is there definition Of a extremist post ?
  9. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2018/09/10/barack-obama-kris-paronto-wanted-choke-him-benghazi-line/1257303002/
  10. Cleaning out my basement the other day I found a 18 year old bottle of doe piss . I wonder if its grandfathered in from the ban
  11. I like small game season just as much as big game because in small game season you get more time and chances to hunt something ,weapon like them all equally . The next one I buy usally becomes the favorite for awhile I will say though.
  12. Yep and from the looks of it he illegally used government agencies to try and steal the election from trump or new and ignored what others were doing and nobody has yet comes out and said it about this guy . Just because he is so popular.
  13. The funny part is you can look up videos of Obama saying that the economy would never be this good again that trump was just talking bs it was not possible to have growth rate this high anymore .
  14. Most people have dominant eye you naturally will aim with that eye instinctively no need to close the other .
  15. My guess is they wanted to replicate the conditions that made places like Chicago Detroit LA one party citys all through out the United states . If it was intended or just stupidity its anyone's guess in the case of Clinton's I think it was intentional Obama not so sure . He may be just naive about the damage he was doing .
  16. You know what's also annoying he Obama basically said everyone who does not support him and dems is some how anti minoritie. Such BS people just want a president that's going to fix the economy Leave them alone and make peace if they can and keep America , America . That is What trump is trying to do .
  17. Notice the terrorist have calmed down lately hmm was that obama to lol
  18. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.marketwatch.com/amp/story/guid/EE661C48-B2BD-11E8-9262-BF36E8822346 Yea he did such a good job that's why hilary lost lol
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