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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. And come on die hard hunter gun guy probably not really shopping there much anyway there are better places then that around .
  2. Because the guys who buy the stock are not the guys buying the guns and ammo in there store doesn't mean much .
  3. Most of seen the what's for dinner thread and figure you had something good to eat in there
  4. So I'm cunfused trump is cleared of Russian infastagtion. So now they are making up a new investigation about trump investigating wtf made them start the first investigation .lol The balls on these swamp people .
  5. The first place I ever went hunting at was in Catskills Roscoe New York when I was 13 with my father and cousins can't remember the exact place but pretty sure if I go back there I can find it even if it's been over 20 years since i hunted that spot . Remember it was really cold that year and over a foot of snow on the ground and , some found its way in my boots almost got frostbite by the end of the day. the first place I ever went small game hunting at was Stewart state Forest . Have not been back there in years all of this talk about it on here making me want to go back there again probably changed since last time I was there over 20 years I would imagine.
  6. I eat stuff randomly sometimes pasta fish meat or chicken. Would get sick of just eating one food all the time every day of the week . Definitely better for you to mix it up .
  7. https://www.webmd.com/diet/news/20190930/controversial-studies-say-its-ok-to-eat-red-meat
  8. Cool I hunted near that place few years back think it is near lodi
  9. Filet of sole with asparagus mushrooms and tomatoes
  10. Next time I go out it is going to be for Pheasant rabbit or squirrel I think . Hunting with No dog on public land so what ever is open gets hunted . Just going for old fashion walk and stalk hunt .
  11. No because technically deer don't eat poo your just creating sent Just make sure you put the corn on in the poo so they can only smell it not eat it this new smell you created will bring them in to take a look for sure . chef poo sweat corn smash
  12. Deer like to smell poo probably work as a attractant Take one right outside your blind / or stand then put some corn on top . or better still eat the corn first then take dump.
  13. I had the new subway rib sandwich pretty good and I didn't even get sick no bathroom runs . Definitely better then that artificial hamburger crap they sell now at burger king . This at least is made from some type of real meat. I think pork . Reminds me of the McDonald's mcrib maybe same supplier But you never know with fast food could be kankrooo for all I know not something I would eat to often for obvious reasons even if it tastes pretty good .
  14. There is a certain percentage of the population that through media brainwashing can be convinced of just about anything you tell them, this lady is just a exstream example of that down right scary. A guy on the tv told here the would is going to end if we don't start killing babies and she really believes it . There are millions of them out there while not as extreme believe most the crap they here word for word from these puppet masters .
  15. Yea ok biden who's son got millions from a foreign oil company is going to save the planet all that's going to happen is more of his family will be getting jobs in the oil and gas industry . I'm sure he will be great with trade with china since His son got a billion from china already.
  16. Sketching my head is it possible there is no mechanism in place to keep people like her from obtaining public office and there are few others in Congress that actually make her look smart sad to say .
  17. And i was holding off until I see a big buck but since the world is going to end in mouths I better shoot what ever I see
  18. Get rid of the babies!': Distraught woman at AOC town hall urges 'eating babies' to fight climate change https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/politics/get-rid-of-the-babies-distraught-woman-at-aoc-town-hall-urges-eating-babies-to-fight-climate-change.amp
  19. Hahaha I have 2 cousins that is what happened one, first time hunting shot 2 deer at same time on the run with a rem 870 one buck and one doe . The other shot a nice six point first time he went out hunting. Then neither shot any for years after .
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