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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Congratulations partner, we may not have gotten a turkey this year but you seemed to have hit the jack pot. I became a Grand pa for the first time on Dec 21, 2011 so I know the feeling. Hope son, daughter in-law and whole family is doing well. God bless Dave
  2. the next presidential battot will say. choose one cloumn A or B.
  3. Doc, the guys on this site ate good at picking out flaws and mistakes. This show is full of them and not too realestic but dopy.
  4. I don't understand your point of view this isn't about you. A picture was posted and showed a mineral block and a bobcat period. What does that have to do with you compromising your integrity.. Who cares, you can say how honest and full of integrety you are, how would we ever know. Take your word for it??? Like I have said in a prior post others have seen the picture and know exactly they say. But used better judgement to call him out as others have. Even though they could, do you call the cops everytime someone runs a stop light or stop sign, catch someone smoking in a no smoking area. Maybe you do, remember you have to call them out on their indescretions. Because you have integrity and have to call a spade a spade.
  5. Your welcome. But still scarcastic and like to flame the fire of contraversary. For what reason I have on idea, must be your ego. Like to hear your self talk. Just waiting for you guys to ambush the next thread.
  6. Yes exactly if just to promote harmony. As Doc has mentioned sent a PM if you feel strongly about an issue.
  7. I think the point that should be taken from this issue is that we all read and see the pictures. But only a select few always have to get on their high hourse and preach. Most of us just enjoy the pictures and know what we are looking out but don't want to start any contravercy over these minor issues. That take over the thread and drive us away from the site. Don't be so quick to judge others, period, just enjoy the site. It seems at times if you are not rubbing someones nose in the muck some are not happy. Trying to show how smart they are about everything that is posted on this site, not a post goes by that you guys don't have something to say about, mostly negative.
  8. I am not questioning your views or judgement of this issue. Just questioning the DEC rational.
  9. Then explain thisWhy did DEC place restrictions on deer and moose feeding? The rule was issued in response to the threat of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) being introduced into New York. The nature of CWD requires prompt and extraordinary actions to address the threat posed by this disease. So why haven't they closed these private deer encloseres where they found the CWS in the first place? So the sportsmen pay the price for their mistakes and so do the deer in the wild.
  10. Bushwacker if you read what Wooffer and I have posted you will see the major part of our taxes go for teachers salaries and benefits. They represent a major precentage of the public union on Long Island. Nassau and Suffolk counties combined have about 6000 cops but we have 20 times more teachers on long island with each school having hundreds of teachers. Our tax bill for fire, police, sewer, sanitation etc is about a third of the amount we pay for our school taxes. I don't mind paying the other taxes but I resent the school taxes. We pay the highest in the country but don't have the brightest kids.
  11. Sorry if you are offended, just being realistic.
  12. My current job is retirement, don't know how much less it could be done for. But I am doing my very best in spite of all the taxes I pay and I am sure you pay too. Let's just vote more intelligant and make sure we get what our taxes are intended to pay. I never thought that retirement pay would ever be more than an employees final base pay. So when they retire the union want to replace them, see where I am going with this. Look what it does to the local budget one retires with a pension and medical benefits that cost more than his base pay. Then the union wants a replacement to pay more union dues, now we are really paying for two employees but only one is working. So what do we have when hundreds of public employees retire. Time to move!!!!!!!!!
  13. I am not sure where you live but here on the Island these are not isolated statistics. Our cops make about $125,000 a year, teachers making close to the same depending on years of service. Our santation workers make in excess of $80,000 a year. So I know of what I speak. My local taxes are aboutn $14,000 and still going up I think I am paying my fair share if not more. I am in no way resentful just making a comparison. The job I took I would do it again , but my overtime was never computed in my retirement neither was my sick or vacation. This is how it is in the private sector, we are in business to make a profit not so for the public unions. They make no money and therefore no profit and are the biggest burden on the tax payers. I and many others feel these jobs can be done for less, and should eliminate overtime, sick, and vacation pay in their pension calculation. If there is so much sick time and vacation not taken during a carreer than we are giving to much vacation time, as for sick time it's for being sick, not for being healthy. I hope this makes some sense to you, but it should make sense to the politicians who give these generous benefits and also the unions who bargain for these benefits. Remember the old campaign that said "JUST SAY NO"
  14. Individually and personally I have no fault with the people in these jobs. My objection is in the whole prosses that allows these salaries and benefit. That is what is totally out of control giving out taxpayer money that we can't afford to pay. Why should the public sector have better salarise and benefits than the private sector? Especially when it's all funded by the private sector. That is my main issue!!!!!!!!!
  15. I think you have missed the point. Again if we don't have the money we can't pay for these over inflated teachers salaries and benefits. When these union workers retire with more money than the taxpayers that are still working full time something is wrong. When teachers retire making in excess of $80,000 a year, town sanitation works less than 5 hours a day and get full time pay and benefits something is wrong. When county police retire making over $100,000 a year and also receive hundreds of thousand dollars for unused sick and vacation time something is wrong. Where does it stop???????? When local library workers start off with 27 days vacation something is wrong. It took me 25 years to get 4 weeks vacation. When you can pad the overtime your last year to inflate your pension something is wrong. Do you get it now, if not you are the problem.
  16. Sounds like the same old party line. Not my fault!!!!!!! Reguardless who has hired these public union members they are the problem. We just can't afford them at these salarise and benefit packages. You make it sound like the tax payers are ill informed, not true we just have to look at our school tax bill each year and we know exactly what's going on. 85% of taxes goes to teachers salaries and benefits 15% to our kids education. Seems more like a the school systems were designed for the benefit of the teachers and the administration than the children. Just follow the money. That's why Walker won in WI, you can't win with these teachers they are gready. Take Chicago they were offered 2% raises and now they are talking about a strike. Not to mention the Chicago school system is in debt for 800 million dollars. Just real good people, no just greedy teachers lining their pockets at the taxpayers expense. Peddle your BS some where else, you are so blind you can't see the problem right in front of you. If we don't have the money we can't pay got it.!!!!!!
  17. Great stuff, lots of leg work on that pile.
  18. I find you post a little disturbing, we don't need the graphic details. I hope you are getting counseling for your PTSD. Lost of us have served and keep it to ourselves most just want to forget what happened over 40 yrs ago. But you like to talk about it, this is not the site to do that. It's a hunting site , I am sure there are some Viet Nam vet organizations that can get you some help, you need it. No disrespect intended I know how you feel, been there." There it is" Maybe you shouldn't be carring a gun around in the woods, you may experience some flash backs. That can never be a good thing. God bless and hope you get the help you need.
  19. The realitor should be able to help you with that if you used a realitor.
  20. You hit the nail on the head. I think it's for politicians to pander and promise the union better benefits which turns into votes.
  21. Don't insult the members on this site with this BS. Who in their right mind would strike if your making a better salary and benefits to your counter parts in the private sector. When we get the unemployment numbers each week 99.99% come from the private sector and not the public sector unions bailed out by the federal gov't and state gov't. I ask you who bails out the hundreds of thousands on unemployment people.Why is it such a big deal if a teacher gets laid off but not when the parents in that school district lose their jobs. Where is the equality of jobs why is one deemed better than the other that the gov't would bail out the teachers and not the accountant, mechanic,etc.
  22. The private section unions have taken a hit during this recession but the public sector unions have not. Lots of the trades in NYC have taken cuts just to keep working. Local #3 workers have seen 20% pay cuts just to keep working. Imagine a public union being asked to take a 20% cut to keep their jobs. Every sector in this economy has taken a hit except for the public sector, that just isn't right. When things get tough the Feds bail out the public unions, they get full pay and benefits. But the private sector just gets unemployment max about $405 a week and no job guarantee. Tell me is that fair? How is a public union job concidered more important than a private sector job? When the one that's saved makes no money , generates no profit. And the one that does gets nothing. Makes no sense totally ass backwards.
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