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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by JGS

  1. JGS


    Last year ~25% of the deer killed in the southern zone were on opening day. My reason for supporting a shorter gun season is not for fewer kills because as long as there is one weekend of gun, the deer will be killed. It is about reducing pressure on the deer. A lot of hunting after opening day is deer drives, and this is the time of year when they have and are running themselves ragged as it is. Three weeks in a row of hunters pushing them around during an already stressful time sends them into winter at even more of a disadvantage.
  2. JGS


    I would like to see a shorter gun season and a buck a year rule.
  3. JGS


    There is no way to de-scent a washer or dryer that has had scented detergent/softener/dryer sheets/etc in it.
  4. I also enjoy his scent control program video. It would make some on here blow an aneurysm within the first 5 minutes, then he goes on for anthor 15. The comments for the video look eerily similar to discussions here.
  5. yup, a lot of videos on creating habitat, hinge cutting travel, bedding, and stand sites.
  6. No time lapse modes, but I will change locations multiple times throughout the season. Feed fields - first sign - biggest scrapes - doe travel routes - scrapes - food.
  7. I enjoy this guys habitat videos, they are a great resource, and I found that this video has some very good info in it. I think he presents things in a straight forward (even turns the finger towards himself), no bs, and easy to understand fasion. If you have an extra hour sometime, its a good talk to kill that hour.
  8. Maybe didn't see it here b/c it is from 2011, crazy though
  9. find iphone is the app, but I believe that you need to have it on your phone before you lose it in order for it to work(I could be wrong though, I've never needed to use it)
  10. JGS

    Gps app

    I like the new updates, I had no problems when switching over other than just finding the features, but figured it all out within first day.
  11. Regular season tag is where? He says he planned to continue bow hunting upstate, but he cannot now b/c he didn't put his dmp on the doe. So if we follow that logic, he used a bow tag on the doe that he now wants back so he can continue bow hunting. Regular tag in this case just means not his dmp doe tag, not his regular firearms season buck only tag.
  12. Wow!!! This really is not that confusing. He bought a bow tag, and a ml tag. He used these, one on a doe and one a buck. He now wants to hunt in another area(not wmu 3m) but he only has a tag that he can use in 3m. He wants to take his bow antler less tag off of his doe and replace it with his 3m dmp so that he can continue hunting on his bow antler less tag.
  13. NO, Doe killed in 3M(used antlerless bow/ML tag), Buck killed(used either sex tag), he now wants to leave WMU 3M and hunt but only has a 3M dmp. So he wants to switch out the antlerless tag on the doe for the 3M dmp to put that antlerless bow/ML tag back in his pocket. Doubt it will fly with DEC, but can't hurt to try.
  14. So what's the plan? What are you looking for people for? Where are you located? Post some more info with some specifics.
  15. Page 7 Prob a website glitch, but he isn't wrong.
  16. JGS


    Also, I have used the deer log, and it is very useful to get the spreadsheet of all deer sightings from the online version after the season, gives a good recap and helps remember the little things.
  17. JGS


    Under the current weather tab for any location it is towards the bottom right above moon phase. I like the new one better the more I use it.
  18. Have an older Stihl 031AV with 18" bar that i need to get rid of as I just got a deal on an MS 391 that I couldnt pass up. I have used it for three years doing firewood and a day of hinge cutting this february. Bar and chain were new when I got the saw 3 years ago and still in great shape(touched up chain with file every time I put fuel in it). $100, Located in Tully(25 min south of Syracuse).
  19. Nvm, I see you have already posted there!!!
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