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Another mass shooting at a temple!!!!!!

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Several People Reported Shot at Sikh Temple

Sikh Temple of Wisconsin

7512 S Howell Ave, Oak Creek, WI




Several People Reported Shot at Sikh Temple

Law enforcement agencies from around the area have come to Oak Creek to help with a reported shooting at the Sikh Temple, with multiple victims reported.





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The Milwaukee County Sheriff's Department and other police agencies are on the scene of a shooting at a temple in Oak Creek. Brendan O'Brien


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ed1de5a8361d9df8f717ea872477cb17Credit Mark Schaaf

f9e81fb5755facf8edd8ab922c9b6fe0Credit Brendan O'Brien

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Several people — including possibly one police officer — have reportedly been shot at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, according to police radio reports coming out of Oak Creek.

The incident reportedly occured about 10:45 a.m. Initial reports said there were four victims, and an active shooter. Mutual aid was requested from other departments to respond to the situation. Some unconfirmed scanner reports say between eight and 20 people have been injured.

Oak Creek police are not releasing any information at this time.

According to recent information broadcast over police radio, a witness to the shooting told law enforcement the shooter was a white male, with a heavy build, bald head and wearing a sleeveless T-shirt. He was last seen with two handguns.

Scanner reports indicated that as of 11:40 a.m. that suspect may still be at large. Police have closed a portion of Howell Avenue and traffic is being diverted.

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Just found out that my niece's best friend, her aunt was one of the hostages. Watching it on CNN now

7 dead including gunman taken out by first cop who showed up on scene. Cop in surgery with multiple gunshot wounds.

Edited by Deerthug
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Here we go again.. I think these mass shootings are all set up by the antis so they can muster support from the publc to ban firearms.

Are you serious???? I'm surprised you made that statement?

Edited by First-light
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And it's being called a terrorist attack. Two mass shootings in a 30 day period. This is next the the worst case scenario for the second amendment in general.

I see they've labeled this as "domestic terrorism." Hmm, and Ft. Hood was labeled "workplace violence."

Something is very wrong in this country.

Edited by Setters4life
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I agree S4L and if you listen to the news reports they subscribe the man as being a " 6 foot tall white male, with black pants and a white t-shirt. And had a bald head with a 9-11 tattoo".

Now my best guess is there trying to say he was a nazi or skin head idk??

It's a mess and i'm just hoping this isn't like a new trend that everyone is trying!

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Here we go again.. I think these mass shootings are all set up by the antis so they can muster support from the publc to ban firearms.

Makes me wonder especially when these shootings have happened during an election year

You're joking, right?

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I am joking about the set ups but it makes me wonder why most of the time these shootings happen during an election year.

April 1999 - Columbine during an election year - GW Bush became president in 2000

July 1999 - A gunman kills nine people at two brokerages in Atlanta, after apparently killing his wife and two children. He commits suicide five hours later. Also during Bush election campaign

November 2004 - Six people are killed when Chai Soua Vang, a 35-year-old Hmong immigrant and naturalized U.S. citizen, shoots eight people while deer hunting east of Birchwood in northern Wisconsin.

April 2007 - Virginia Tech Massacre

February 2012 - A student opens fire in a cafeteria at Chardon High School in Ohio, killing three students and injuring two others before being arrested.

April 2012 - A gunman, identified by police as Korean-American One Goh, kills seven people and wounds three others in a shooting rampage at a Christian college in Oakland.

July 2012 - The Arizona shooting and now yesterday's shooting all during election years.

Anyone else see a connection?? I know that there are others between election years but most have occurred during election years over the last 20 years.

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So what are you implying and who are you blaming?

I don't think Thug is blaming any one person or group in particular, Virgil. He's just making an observation. It is strange how these tragedies seem to spike in election years.

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As Skillet said, I'm not blaming or implying anything. You can make whatever inference you want to make from the facts as I observed and presented above. But doesn't it make you wonder why these tragedies do seem to spike in election years?

Edited by Deerthug
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I think these mass shootings are all set up by the antis so they can muster support from the publc to ban firearms.

I think you're now backtracking from the statement that you made (and that Skillet apparently did not read) just yesterday.

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I think these mass shootings are all set up by the antis so they can muster support from the publc to ban firearms.

I think you're now backtracking from the statement that you made (and that Skillet apparently did not read) just yesterday.

I read it Virgil. He said he was not serious. And so what if he was, he's not alone & he's entitled to his opinion. At least he's got the balls to say it.

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Think what you want but I'm not retracting or backtracking from my earlier statement. It makes me and I'm sure many others on this forum and around the country wonder why these mass shootings seem to peak during election years. It also leads me to wonder if they are set up for purposes of increasing gun control. Haven't you read or heard about all the conspiracy theories behind 9/11? I read many different articles and stories about 9/11 and the conspiracies alleged behind them. Do I believe them? No but it made me wonder if they can be true when I read them.

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Think what you want but I'm not retracting or backtracking from my earlier statement. It makes me and I'm sure many others on this forum and around the country wonder why these mass shootings seem to peak during election years. It also leads me to wonder if they are set up for purposes of increasing gun control. Haven't you read or heard about all the conspiracy theories behind 9/11? I read many different articles and stories about 9/11 and the conspiracies alleged behind them. Do I believe them? No but it made me wonder if they can be true when I read them.

I'm sure that this will get me labeled, but I am inclined to believe that the conspiracy theories are possible.

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There's always some nut out there who is willing to do anything for attention. Who knows what it takes to set them off, maybe it's the power of suggestion from an outside influence, maybe one in a position of power. You can take the conspiracy stuff as far as you want and I don't think any of it is out of the realm of possibility. Doe, I will take a foil hat in XXL, I almost have to custom order my baseball hats, because I have one big melon. (5 gallon head and a 1 quart brain tho)

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