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Loaded Gun + Unlocked Car = Stupid

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Why does he need an excuse? It's his pistol, in his car, in his driveway. If he left money on the seat, and it was stolen, I bet a lot of the reactions in here would be different. Since it's a gun though, we have self-righteous indignation? What does it matter what he left in his car? It's his property and it was stolen. The only person in the wrong here is the thief.

I kind of agree.. what is the difference between your house or your car or the shed in the back yard.. all are your property. The person that stole his gun should be charged with several felonies... stupid or not.. leaving your wallet in the car is stupid too... but if someone steals it, it's still a crime... the wallet wouldn't have gotten any press though.

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Was the gun hidden? Sitting on the seat? In the glove compartment? What the hell was someone from the neighborhood doing in his car? If you have someone going through areas of your property that they don't belong.. Whats to keep them from entering your home when you're away? And doing it just to make a point? Gun in the car or not... nothing he did made that person decide to enter his property without permission... he may have made an already criminal act a bit more of a news story... but I'm guessing the criminal tresspass would still have occured anyway... we just wouldn't be hearing about it.

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I see you guys getting heated on this so I won't try and press my point any farther seeing the there is more to this story then publicized I'm sure ....

Close your eyes for just a moment...picture a kids riding bikes in and out of drives in a RESIDENTIAL area as they do...and one happens by the unlocked car with a gun in view...Kids being kids...even well taught kids and that gun gets a second glance and pick up....BANG!!!...I wonder what your reactions would be then..

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I see you guys getting heated on this so I won't try and press my point any farther seeing the there is more to this story then publicized I'm sure ....

Close your eyes for just a moment...picture a kids riding bikes in and out of drives in a RESIDENTIAL area as they do...and one happens by the unlocked car with a gun in view...Kids being kids...even well taught kids and that gun gets a second glance and pick up....BANG!!!...I wonder what your reactions would be then..

I guess we could ask the same thing about gasoline left in the back of a pickup and a lighter left inside the car... imagine the damage that would do? Or better yet... you forgot to bring the DECON you bought to get rid of the mice or rats in your shed and left it in the car.. some kid could find that.. think it was candy and.. THUD! Dead on the driveway. Each example I just gave is just as deadly as the next... If it wasn't a gun in question.. we wouldn't even be having this conversation. Having said that I think we all agree that the guy was irresponsible, but no adult should be snooping around another persons property... especially his house or automobile.

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Like I said, the indignation is because of WHAT the property was. What the property was is immaterial. It could have been money, an iPod, or a book of matches. The guy left a piece of his property inside another piece of his own personal property. The fact it was a gun is not even relevant. What is relevant is that someone stole it.

Is leaving a loaded firearm unprotected in your car irresponsible? I imagine that argument could be made, but it is a secondary argument to the fact that personal property was stolen. This isn't that difficult.

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" I imagine that argument could be made". How do you think this schmo would have made out if tried by a jury of his peers in the event a child was hurt? The greater the potential harm the greater the responsibility. In the context of this situation the guy was incredibly irresponsible.

There is the law and there is common sense. Common sense was definitely lacking.

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" I imagine that argument could be made". How do you think this schmo would have made out if tried by a jury of his peers in the event a child was hurt? The greater the potential harm the greater the responsibility. In the context of this situation the guy was incredibly irresponsible.

There is the law and there is common sense. Common sense was definitely lacking.

Coulda, woulda, shoulda.... a child wasn't hurt or even involved.. so that is a non issue here..thats a whole different senario and can't be used to judge this one... kind like saying that you left a quarter on your night stand and the neighbor came into your house and stole it.. then saying that a young child could have taken it, swallowed it and choked to death... so leaving a quarter on the nightstand now defies common sense?... just doesn't work that way... you can always come up with a bad ending to any scenario if you search hard enough.

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Coulda, woulda, shoulda.... a child wasn't hurt or even involved.. so that is a non issue here..thats a whole different senario and can't be used to judge this one... kind like saying that you left a quarter on your night stand and the neighbor came into your house and stole it.. then saying that a young child could have taken it, swallowed it and choked to death... so leaving a quarter on the nightstand now defies common sense?... just doesn't work that way... you can always come up with a bad ending to any scenario if you search hard enough.

A coin and a gun? Yes they are similar! The bottom line is if you leave a loaded gun in plain view in an unlocked vehicle in a residential neighborhood where there there are kids playing and coming and going past said vehicle you are an idiot.

Now you spin your trespass theory and property rights theory any way you want. Better yet get a bunch of eight to ten year olds together and explain it to them. Let's see if they understand.

I know bad parenting right if their curiosity gets the better of them. The ones who have good parenting would come home to their folks and say you know Mr so and so is an a-- hole he left a loaded gun in an unlocked car in plain view a curious kid could have messed with it and killed themselves or another person.

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A coin and a gun? Yes they are similar! The bottom line is if you leave a loaded gun in plain view in an unlocked vehicle in a residential neighborhood where there there are kids playing and coming and going past said vehicle you are an idiot.

Now you spin your trespass theory and property rights theory any way you want. Better yet get a bunch of eight to ten year olds together and explain it to them. Let's see if they understand.

I know bad parenting right if their curiosity gets the better of them. The ones who have good parenting would come home to their folks and say you know Mr so and so is an a-- hole he left a loaded gun in an unlocked car in plain view a curious kid could have messed with it and killed themselves or another person.

There were no kids involved ... and you forgot to read the last sentance of my post. And I didn't hear anything about a gun being in plain view... just that some thief entered his vehicle, on his property, and stole his gun. You are spinning it into something that didn't happen, which was entirely the point of my post. You can create anything you like after the fact.. but that isn't what happened.

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the guy made a mistake, said he learned a vailuable lesson... the guy that taught him a lesson is still a thief and needs to be taught a lessen as well.... the idiot even left the handgun outside in a bag (with a knife) where any kid could have picked it up.. he also put the word gun on the bag so that someone passing by could tell what was in the bag without opening it... first guy stupid, second guy REALLY stupid!

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