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DMFA Tags Tompkins Deer Management Focus Area

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Anyone getting these? 2 does PER DAY all season, PLUS 2 does per day JAN 1 - Jan 31. I am originally from and still hunt PA, and January deer hunting is the one thing I wish we had up here and now we do.

All you have to do is apparently register and they will send you carcass tags, and on the website it says that registration numbers will be available in September, but there is no link yet.

I also got my 3rd deer last season in Tompkins on the last day or Regular Gun Season...monster doe...lots of big deer over there and there is the "earn a buck" program over there as well (kill 2 does earn an extra buck tag).

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  • 3 weeks later...

7J, I think you are wrong on the earn a buck. That program is for Cornell University property. You have to shoot 2 does before you can take a buck.

If you check out the map (http://www.dec.ny.go...mpdmfabndry.pdf), all of the Cornel Properties exist within the Tompkins DMFA...Therefore I believe as long as you are registered with both the Cornel EAB and the Tompkins DMFA you can use the DMFA tags one EAB property and collect the buck tag after you score two doe (and I have gotten HUGE Doe over there).

As I stated on my registration survey, the main reason I got these tags is for January hunting...I am so pumped for LATE SEASON!

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Wow! That is some pretty drastic action. 2 deer a day ...... They must have a prtty nasty problem there.

The Cornel Earn-A-Buck has been going on for some time and if you check the map it is mostly concentrate by the villages of lansing and cayuga heights where hunting is virtually totally banned.

Tons of upscale residential, and tons of corn...Thus the huge deer problem and the need for the deer management focus area. It will be studied under a microscope for the next several years to try to determine the actual impact.

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7J, you don't actually get a second buck tag

once you shoot a doe, you can then shoot a buck, with your tag...you can NOT shoot a buck until you have killed a doe

NO special second buck tag

Your right, and it is only 1 doe now, I think it used to be 2...I got overly excited when I posted that before, but the DMFA tags are valid on most of the Cornell EAB property, and that was my point.

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Yes, that's correct.

First don't confuse the DMFA with Cornell's EAB program. Cornell's EAB program requires you shoot one doe (as 7J said, that's new this year, used to be TWO does) before you can shoot a buck. Cornell does not care what tags you use, so long as you HAVE tags.

That's where the DMFA rules come in. You can shoot 2 does per day with DMFA tags, and even more if you use your standard tags. Since MOST of Cornell's EAB property falls within the DMFA area, there is no shortage of tags to be used. You still have to supply your own buck tags.

As for this supposed overpopulation, I'm not seeing it as being that bad. Places that have the worst issues don't have any hunting areas, such as Cayuga Heights. There are a lot of 'em for sure, but not THAT many outside Cayuga Heights.

Except for the late season addition, I'm not sure the extra tags are gonna help that much. Maybe I'm just not a good hunter, but its rare that I don't have enough tags to kill the deer I am able to. I just don't get that many in range. All the DMFA is is more tags essentially, plus the extra season in January.

Zhe Wiz

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kenny d

i don't think the hunting is worth a 5 hour drive

everyone thinks because of all the doe permits it's like shooting fish in a barrell....it's not

it's just like anywhere else...if you hunt hard you might get a shot at a doe.....

be prepared, you will have to deal with hikers, bikers and dog walkers, last year we had people walking their dogs under our stands on a regular basis

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I live and hunt in and around ithaca. This is the stupidest thing ive ever heard ! i absoluetly hate the fact the the DEC is dumb enough to do this. They are going to kill every damn deer within basically 11 miles of ithaca and my house lands in that region. Its going to take 11 years for the deer population to regrow after this. Theres so many people that dont even live anywhere near that want to partake in this. Feel like we are going to have the whitetail on the endangered list here in ithaca. For everyone else there thinking OH HOW AWESOME !! how would you feel if this was in your backyard ?

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I live and hunt in and around ithaca. This is the stupidest thing ive ever heard ! i absoluetly hate the fact the the DEC is dumb enough to do this. They are going to kill every damn deer within basically 11 miles of ithaca and my house lands in that region. Its going to take 11 years for the deer population to regrow after this. Theres so many people that dont even live anywhere near that want to partake in this. Feel like we are going to have the whitetail on the endangered list here in ithaca. For everyone else there thinking OH HOW AWESOME !! how would you feel if this was in your backyard ?

I'm not too pleased either. My house is one mile from the DMFA border, land I lease for hunting is right across the road that forms the border, I have hunted Cornell for 4 years. My hope is that all these outsiders expecting easy kills will soon leave when reality sets in and they see deer aren't as plentiful as they expect. There may be so many hunters that hunting within the DMFA is ruined, but I hope not.

KennyD: My suggestion to you and others hunting Cornell for the first time? Scout, scout, scout. That's what the rest of us did! Good luck.

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guys I have hunted this DFMA area since i could walk, been hunting on cornell land for for 21 years

the hunting has never been WORSE, than it is now....

besides the number of deer killed....the number of button bucks killed is disgusting

the risk you take with a earn-a-buck program...is uneducated/greedy hunters wanting to earn a buck tag

the numbers are not avaiable anymore...however it is somewhere between 30 and 40 button bucks over 4 years....7 reported in 2011

now with this DFMA program....how many more button bucks will suffer....not to mention I have seen mature bucks drop their antlers in january

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Sorry to hear about all the bad things. I saw thw info on DEC website and saw an opportunity to hunt a new area. Im not out to arrow every deer without something on his or her head. I just love to hunt. Ive been in tge area several times and have seen numerous deer. But I also cone from an area where if I see 3 deer from my stand its considered a good day. Maybe we all should educate the hunters to shoot only mature does. Thats what I try to do in my local area. Anyway good luck all.

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