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For all you non-believers in Antler Restrictions

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Then move to a place where they have ar and hunt away.  Dont impose your standards on the rest of us so you can hunt BIG BUCKS.  It is also funny that those who hunt BIG BUCKS think you know how the rest of us hunt also.  I have passed small deer and this year I passed a big deer.  I am talking a great rack 6 on one side 4 on the other real character.  Know why I passed him at 50 yards with the muzzleloader?  I didn't need him. I harvested a nice 8 point 190 pound deer and had a doe in the freezer.  I could have made it a banner season, as this deer was over 200 pounds post rut and a 150 to 160 class. See I can speak the language too.  But I didnt need the bragging rights.  I had what I needed and passed on what I wanted.  He will be there next year, and I have already made it my mission to get him next year. I have been out there scouting now.  If one of the other guys I hunt with does, I will shake his hand enthuastically congratulate him and mean it.  If I get him, I will let every other deer walk, unless I see a doe during muzzleloader.  The difference between you and I is, I do not feel that I have to impose my hunting on others so they have to hunt the same as I do, or they have to pass up a deer so it will grow bigger for me to shoot next year to feed my ego. So in closing, we dont want need nor desire your restrictions.  So put your spin on the anouncements DEC puts out and try to convince us that the DEC and the majority of hunters want this.  Those of us who can really read what is said know better. 

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Where do you get the idea I'm pushing anything on you.. like I said, doesn't matter to me how others like to hunt. I am not a member of any QDM group or organization and have never lobbied for any AR.. I just have an opinion on the subject. I don't need AR to hunt the way I chose... I think deer management is a great idea for the deer, but i also do not think it will have any affect on the way I hunt or have hunted... again you guys talk as if you know anything about why I choose to hunt bigger bucks.. but so far you are totally wrong.

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I am sure there is some out there that do not have the skills to kill a buck if there was a certin restriction on them. I am also sure that some would rather take a small buck instead of a doe...I know one thing that i am positive of 3 years ago they started ar on letchworth and with the buck sign along with the bucks both alive and taken it is turning into a place to hunt for the next great buck.

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Where do you get the idea I'm pushing anything on you.. like I said, doesn't matter to me how others like to hunt. I am not a member of any QDM group or organization and have never lobbied for any AR.. I just have an opinion on the subject. I don't need AR to hunt the way I chose... I think deer management is a great idea for the deer, but i also do not think it will have any affect on the way I hunt or have hunted... again you guys talk as if you know anything about why I choose to hunt bigger bucks.. but so far you are totally wrong.

so I guess after all this, you are not a proponent of AR? 

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I am sure there is some out there that do not have the skills to kill a buck if there was a certin restriction on them. I am also sure that some would rather take a small buck instead of a doe...I know one thing that i am positive of 3 years ago they started ar on letchworth and with the buck sign along with the bucks both alive and taken it is turning into a place to hunt for the next great buck.

There is no question that if you place enough restrictions on buck harvests, you will most likely have more bucks. Anytime you take opportunities away from hunters, you wind up with more deer and some percentage of those will be bucks. So yes, shut down the harvest in any way you want, and you will have more bucks and absolutely some of those will have to get older. AR fits the bill for reducing hunter opportunities. Is that what we want to do? ..... remove hunter opportunities? I have a hard time with anything that eliminates hunter opportunities for any reason other than balancing the herd with available habitat.

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I know every place is different but every hunter i know would much rather take a doe rather than a small buck.I really find it hard to believe that most hunters if asked would not let a scrub buck with less than 3points on a side walk.I guess we could do a poll on here and ask just us users how many let that kind of buck go and how many on here took a buck smaller..We go one step further and its 8pt or better where i hunt and yes we let lots walk but we take our share of does for the freezer and when a buck is taken the rack is not the kind that gets tossed in the shed.We will let any young hunters take any buck their first year but most of them see the deer we have and even they let the little ones walk.But thats just how we do things in my neck of the woods...

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Here is a whopper Pennsylvania buck. A salesman came by the farm today- looked at his trail cam pics more than his products. Maybe he should be selling lottery tickets to hunt his spot instead. Easy 170 if not knocking on 180. How do you like antler restrictions now?

And did the salesman show you the breeding card from the farm that deer is on?

Letting a deer grow old does not mean it will grow a 180 class rack just because you planted some special seed for them to eat.

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