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Wind direction


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This may be very trivial to most, but this is a serious question.

What does it mean when the weather forecast calls for a North wind? Does that mean the wind is coming from the North, or blowing to?

Never understood this, and could potentially really screw up things when it comes to planning.

Anyone else confused about this or just me?

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Yes, a North wind forcase means they are predicting a flow coming from the North. But every day after listening to the NOAH forcast I step outside and test the real time wind direction. What's forcasted and what is happening in my back yard can be quite different. And, on the mornings that it's variable, I tend to shy away from my best stands.

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Yes, a North wind forcase means they are predicting a flow coming from the North. But every day after listening to the NOAH forcast I step outside and test the real time wind direction. What's forcasted and what is happening in my back yard can be quite different. And, on the mornings that it's variable, I tend to shy away from my best stands.

Yes, with all the North-south valleys, and a normal wind usually out of the west. The weatherman's wind-direction forcast is only a "suggestion". The real wind direction at a stand is always TBD.

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