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Picked up my abstract from lawyer.


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I bought some rental property in Corning and while at the lawyers office I picked up my abstract for the camp property I have. I have the history of the property (original docs) all the way back to 1798.

There are wills, death certificates, legal actions, lumber contracts and so on. Original owners were the Spaldings/Pulteney's estates. Real interesting. I believe these documents need to go back into safe

keeping. Too much history to lose.

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I have the history of the property (original docs) all the way back to 1798.

Too much history to lose.

That's really neat!!!

Goes all the way back to post-Revolutionary War land purchases by speculators & grants to ex-military.

FYI - http://www.leroypennysavernews.com/LynneBelluscioArticles/West_of_the_Genesee_River.htm

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Abstracts are cool i deal with them all the time. If it was a personal thing I would think I would enjoy them a little more but when I deal with them i'm going back in time it is to find a property line dispute or such. It can be a pain sometimes but there is alot of history in those things.

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