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Okay as far as overhunting, my dad hunted that spot for 17 years and brought a deer out every year. I don't have anywhere else to hunt and I refuse to hunt state land that I'm not familiar with. The spot I'm in is a really good spot, and the other stand is overlooking a clearing and I can't put the blind there unless I sit directly in the middle of it. Which I can't do. I have to make due with what I have to work with.

I'm in northern Jefferson County.

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Ohh I thought you were bow hunting....and I have fine fly away hair..pain...try Hunter speciality scent away...body soap...actually makes my hair great...and soft...

but IMO that 9 acres is great if your being as quiet and ..OK I'm a scent nut...scent free as possible....9 1/2 is what we started out with and I took deer every year...try and figure out their travel patterns what food sources they are on now and where the doe like to be...I have hunted from folding chairs ...I went to wally world bought 3 yrds or camo fleece.....sat down in the chair wrapped the fleece around me and chair....back to a tree...wind in my face and fine for a whole day...with a gun you have plenty of options to get in shooting position with out being seen....Good Luck

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Okay as far as overhunting, my dad hunted that spot for 17 years and brought a deer out every year. I don't have anywhere else to hunt and I refuse to hunt state land that I'm not familiar with. The spot I'm in is a really good spot, and the other stand is overlooking a clearing and I can't put the blind there unless I sit directly in the middle of it. Which I can't do. I have to make due with what I have to work with.

I'm in northern Jefferson County.

Cool, have fun with that.

You asked for suggestions, but yet seem not open to any of them. Ignorance is indeed bliss.

Best of luck to you, the hubby, and the little one. May you get a deer ever year for the next 100 on those 9 acres.

Edited by phade
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Phade...she asked for suggestions...OP on the 9 acres being over hunted were given...all she did was reply with the facts as she has lived them...That is not ignorance...I have been told so many times don't do this or that for you'll never get a nice buck they'll all run for the hills and it just isn't the reality that I've experienced..period....not every thing in deer hunting is set in stone...some times...some ppl....not saying YOU in particular...read too many magazines....

Getting nasty because she answered with something you can't imagine is not ignorance

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My response is hardly nasty grow.

My point remains, dont ask for advice and then discount EVERYTHING mentioned by posters here.

She says her dad gets a deer every year. She has hunted the place for days on end, sees squirrels, and then says deer may just move at dark instead of day. She refuses to move to a new spot on public land or even on her nine acres after multiple people suggest it to her after she ASKS for it.Put 1 and 1 together....or dont....fine by me, hence ignorance is indeed bliss. You can try to defend, but you are in quicksand....

My final statement remains true. I hope she kills a deer and wish lucl to her and her family.

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I know the patterns as I've been hunting there for years. Sometimes I just think they move at night after dark instead of at dusk. Not much I can do there.

Yeah they always seem to go nocturnal after that first gun shot is fired on opening day!

Congrats on the new hunter also

Is your husband on this forum as well?

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No. He's not a big computer person unless it's on craigslist :) Oh and Phade - hubby and I take turns as I have 3 different stands on the porperty. I was not trying to dismiss your suggestion, just stating that I'm not comfortable hunting on public land because I have no sense of direction, and don't want to either A, get lost, or B get shot by ignorant hunters. :)

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You have nothing to lose by moving to a new spot on the ground on your 9 acres.

Even something as small as moving 30 yards, or to a new corner of the property, etc. Just grab a chair, your camo, and have hubby snip some branches to make you a new blind there at this spot. I would avoid all 3 stand locations, even if that seems to put you in a tight spot vision wise.

One thing I would do, is drop the idea of putting doe pee on your boots. If you want meat, does tend to be alert at a new, unknown doe, in the area. They simply don't like it. The other would be to get scnet free as possible as mentioned, if you are not already doing that.

Can you ask neighbors to access their property to walk around yours to get to a spot, if you need to? That way, you are not burning up your ground with entry and exit scent.

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We created a few new spots this past week. I am minding the rain as I am 7 months pregnant and can't afford to get sick right now. So unfortunatley didn't go out at all yesterday. Hubby and I are getting things together in case the power goes out with this storm (that I feel everyone is blowing way out of proportion, but can't hurt to be prepared).

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      --- Horn Hunter
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