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Cuomo talks of gun confiscation

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If your willing or even thinking about handing your guns over your a joke. Half you people think the government is this big unstoppable force.

You think what all these military people will just leave their familys and loved ones behind to get ran over while there out doing the governments dirty work.

If shtf i'm going to my inlaws in texas. you can bet your bottom they wont just hand over their weapons.

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One better hope that Cuomo does not succeed in "nullification" concerning the tenth amendment whereby a federal law is not a law as far as a state is concerned. Should he succeed in this endeavor, gun owners in NY can expect the worst.

Firearms Freedom Act

Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the ...

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As a result of the 1928 German Gun Law, all firearms and firearms owners were registered. To take firearms from anyone they distrusted, the Nazis simply did not renew permits. Under the law, their privately created law, the Nazis could now easily confiscate all firearms and ammunition from any, or all, selected groups. The gun law of 1928 had served the Nazis well. It made almost all law abiding firearms owners known to the authorities. The 1928 law on firearms and ammunition helped the Nazis to destroy democracy in Germany, by disarming the law abiding majority, whom they feared.

By the end of 1931, a rising tide of violence, mainly between Nazi and Communist street fighters, moved the authorities to tighten restrictions. Under new regulations, the police could order everyone's firearms and ammunition ... even items not normally used as weapons ... to be put into police custody,

On March 18 1938, the Nazis enacted a new, tougher, gun control law. The Nazi Weapons Law (Waffengesetz) ensured that only Nazis and their friends could own or carry weapons, especially handguns

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Ready for this ? I fish alot and wanted to buy a knife called the bubba flex fillet knife . Should be easy right ? A no brainer only when i ordered it i found out it was restricted for sale in N.Y.C. Why is this ? it is used for fishing ,to clean fish this is baffeling to me ..after all its only a knife .....can anyone explain this to me ??

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Ready for this ? I fish alot and wanted to buy a knife called the bubba flex fillet knife . Should be easy right ? A no brainer only when i ordered it i found out it was restricted for sale in N.Y.C. Why is this ? it is used for fishing ,to clean fish this is baffeling to me ..after all its only a knife .....can anyone explain this to me ??

You live in NYC....your selected, crazy, liberal, hack dictators make the rules. Any questions?

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As a result of the 1928 German Gun Law, all firearms and firearms owners were registered. To take firearms from anyone they distrusted, the Nazis simply did not renew permits. Under the law, their privately created law, the Nazis could now easily confiscate all firearms and ammunition from any, or all, selected groups. The gun law of 1928 had served the Nazis well. It made almost all law abiding firearms owners known to the authorities. The 1928 law on firearms and ammunition helped the Nazis to destroy democracy in Germany, by disarming the law abiding majority, whom they feared.

By the end of 1931, a rising tide of violence, mainly between Nazi and Communist street fighters, moved the authorities to tighten restrictions. Under new regulations, the police could order everyone's firearms and ammunition ... even items not normally used as weapons ... to be put into police custody,

On March 18 1938, the Nazis enacted a new, tougher, gun control law. The Nazi Weapons Law (Waffengesetz) ensured that only Nazis and their friends could own or carry weapons, especially handguns

this is mostly bunk. the German people willingly went along with Hitler with an overwhelming majority (Democracy)and i know people who grew up and lived there during that era and they never had their guns registered or taken and they werent forced to elect Hitler. The shooting sports and hunting were and still are very popular in Germany. Germany produced more rifles( aprox 40 million mausers), and ammo than any other country has in the history of mankind at that time, and they were a very well armed nation. The German public wasnt disarmed until after the war when American politicians thought it would be a good idea. Towards the end of the war almost every German citizen, man, women and child was armed with grenade launchers, shoulder mount missiles launchers, and lots of Sturmgewehr 44s(first assault rifle). Lets get history corrected here now that we have the internet and can communicate with people in other countries and learn the real story not what you were taught in our education system here in the US or what the NRA chooses to use for examples for fighting of gun control groups, they (the NRA)just love the ole yeeaaa Hitlers first move was to take all the guns??...i mean really think about it?
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Not looking to argue but this was on wikiepedia i think this is fact not taken from someone who may or may not have been there ..again just the facts.....

In 1919, the German government passed the Regulations on Weapons Ownership, which declared that "all firearms, as well as all kinds of firearms ammunition, are to be surrendered immediately."[2] Under the regulations, anyone found in possession of a firearm or ammunition was subject to five years' imprisonment and a fine of 100,000 marks.

There were other laws enacted in later years but its not bunk !!!

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IMO, any politician that makes a statement like "I don't think legitimate sportsmen are going to say I need an assault weapon to go hunting." should immediatley be dismissed from the position. A statement like this demonstrates a total lack of understand or respect for the Constitution. Anyone who supports such a statement is a shallow thinker. What they should be thinking is I wonder which ammendment will be attacked next?

Once again, very unfortunatley, it has bee demonstrated that fellons and/or nut cases don't follow the law by the recent event in Webster, NY. Once the "authorities" realize that outlawing black guns doesn't fix anything, they will be after your hunting guns. Get vocal, act professionally, and communicate with your representives please.

Also, the NRA still offers the Easy Pay Life plan. Just make 40 monthly or quarterly, your choice, payments, of $25. No interest, no fees, it's a great deal. That's how I became a life member quite a while ago.

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One better hope that Cuomo does not succeed in "nullification" concerning the tenth amendment whereby a federal law is not a law as far as a state is concerned. Should he succeed in this endeavor, gun owners in NY can expect the worst.

Firearms Freedom Act

Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the ...

The Federal Gov't, by way of the BATFU has roundly rejected the MFFA as conflicting with federal law, and thus is superceded by way of the supremacy clause. A federal appeals court summarily dismissed the lawsuit brought by the SAF against the federal gov't for lack of cause. Also, you realize that the MFFA would have allowed the dreaded "felons" in MT to purchase said firearms? I'm a huge 10th amendment proponent, and believe that EACH EVERY AND ALL federal legislation regarding the possession of arms is 100% UnConstitutional. Also, given recent legal precedent (Heller v D.C, McDonald v Chicago, the recent 7th circuit court of appeals decision) any such laws would not past muster as 2A issues are now strict scrutiny matters. They may impose ungodly taxes on us, or new licensing schemes and fees -- something will happen, this is NY, home of emotionally overreactive legislation -- which will make it incredibly difficult to own evil black guns. I imagine a long protracted legal battle lasting years is in our future. Nothing monumentally drastic will stick. In the end it will be the ol' NY way, tax and regulate until it becomes so cost prohibitive only those with lots of money and political clout get to play. After all, they're the rulers, and we're their serfs.

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IMO, any politician that makes a statement like "I don't think legitimate sportsmen are going to say I need an assault weapon to go hunting." should immediatley be dismissed from the position. A statement like this demonstrates a total lack of understand or respect for the Constitution. Anyone who supports such a statement is a shallow thinker. What they should be thinking is I wonder which ammendment will be attacked next?

Once again, very unfortunatley, it has been demonstrated that fellons and/or nut cases don't follow the law by the recent event in Webster, NY. Once the "authorities" realize that outlawing black guns doesn't fix anything, they will be after your hunting guns. Get vocal, act professionally, and communicate with your representives please.

Also, the NRA still offers the Easy Pay Life plan. Just make 40 monthly or quarterly, your choice, payments, of $25. No interest, no fees, it's a great deal. That's how I became a life member quite a while ago.


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More than anything else, fear of the unknown drives amd ramps up the the hysteria.

Both sides on the issue of gun control will spew their propaganda, rhetoric,facts etal and eventually (if history serves itself, the proceess will be a long one) something will be made into law, albeit many people will be greatly upset.

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Its quite plausible that a long protracted legal battle in NY State is in our future regarding gun control.

Precedents have already been set. Case in point NYC and other municipalities.

I don't think it is going to be all that long a battle. The public has already been primed and is currently in a state of anti-gun frenzy. The time is right for anti-gun politicians to take advantage of these gifts that they have been handed, and believe me they will. It's only a question of how much progress they will make this time.

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The whole legal environment is different now. Previously, the courts had only US v Miller to go on. US v Miller was a patently pro-government ruling, and gave rise to the idea that the 2A was a state right, and not a right of the people. In this post Heller/McDonald//Moore v Madigan world, groups like Handgun control Inc or whatever the hell they're calling themselves this year are actually on the losing side. It seems different to us because we live in NY, but OUR SIDE is winning right now. We've won the idea that the 2A is an individual right, that it applies outside the home as well as inside, and that we must be allowed to carry guns in defense of ourselves and our property. No new federal ban is coming. We already have the language of the sunsetted federal ban in our state laws. What more can they do? Taxes and licensing schemes is really all they'll be able to get away with. Why do you think Obama formed a committee instead of immediately jumping on Senator "I carry a gun but you shouldn't" Feinstein's bandwagon? Because for one, nothing they try and pass will ever get passed in the House. Almost anything they do manage to get passed will almost immediately face a legal challenge from either the NRA-ILA, the SAF, or the GOA, and one of those groups will win.

Relax guys. In the long run, it's just going to end up costing us more money to play. It's going to be an ugly protracted battle though. Something ugly may get passed, and it may even last a year or so, but it will go before a court, found in conflict with either Heller, McDonald or Moore, and shot right back down. We are in fact winning. After almost a half century of gun control marching forward (all mostly predicated on 3 high profile assassinations in the 1960s) they have been halted in their tracks. Now think, who is the better side? Us, who argue from the Constitution and reason, or them, who -- like vultures -- jump on the still warm and bleeding corpses of children to move their selfish agendas forward?

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this is mostly bunk. the German people willingly went along with Hitler with an overwhelming majority (Democracy)and i know people who grew up and lived there during that era and they never had their guns registered or taken and they werent forced to elect Hitler. The shooting sports and hunting were and still are very popular in Germany. Germany produced more rifles( aprox 40 million mausers), and ammo than any other country has in the history of mankind at that time, and they were a very well armed nation. The German public wasnt disarmed until after the war when American politicians thought it would be a good idea. Towards the end of the war almost every German citizen, man, women and child was armed with grenade launchers, shoulder mount missiles launchers, and lots of Sturmgewehr 44s(first assault rifle). Lets get history corrected here now that we have the internet and can communicate with people in other countries and learn the real story not what you were taught in our education system here in the US or what the NRA chooses to use for examples for fighting of gun control groups, they (the NRA)just love the ole yeeaaa Hitlers first move was to take all the guns??...i mean really think about it?

The Nazis weren't looking to disarm the general German population; just the Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, Poles, homosexuals and anyone else that didn't fit their Master Race. Once you have the legislation on the books to remove the means of fighting back you can apply it to whatever part of the populace doesn't agree with you or want to roll over and go along. Then they are completely at the mercy of their "master".

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The Nazis weren't looking to disarm the general German population; just the Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, Poles, homosexuals and anyone else that didn't fit their Master Race. Once you have the legislation on the books to remove the means of fighting back you can apply it to whatever part of the populace doesn't agree with you or want to roll over and go along. Then they are completely at the mercy of their "master".

Same applies here too. Once you find the justification to remove the right from any segment of the populace, it can then begin to be applied to any segment.

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the one thing we have going for us is that the gun owning population in America has grown in leaps n bounds, for the last several years nix checks have been processed at off the charts rates. Americas new gun owners are under thirty years of age white males and dont hunt and buy mostly the so called assault rifle type firearms. women gun ownership has grown dramatically and the old bolt action shooting 60 year old hunter will not being carrying the torch for our 2nd ammendment rights for much longer. the face of gun ownership in America is changing and we have to figure out how to channel this new found strength..

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Ready for this ? I fish alot and wanted to buy a knife called the bubba flex fillet knife . Should be easy right ? A no brainer only when i ordered it i found out it was restricted for sale in N.Y.C. Why is this ? it is used for fishing ,to clean fish this is baffeling to me ..after all its only a knife .....can anyone explain this to me ??

not that it's right... but living in NYC you didn't exactly choose/end up in a very outdoorsman friendly area.

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honestly, I don't know what to expect

federal law says POT is illegale, however several states say go ahead and smoke it

evan if federal laws are not passed to the extreme, what's to stop NY from banning certain guns

in tompkins county I can't carry a pistol unless I'm hunting or at the range, however the ithaca mayor is pushing to legalize pot

I don't get it

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