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Contact State senators and Assemblyman/women now!

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Guys this is it , the time to act. Cuomo's outright ban reaches over into ALL sporting arms . Limits how much ammunition you can purchase and possess. Outlaws semi-auto shotguns with pistol grips. Will reduce magazines from from 10 to 7 rounds on everything, even very common semi-auto handguns . Confiscation legislation of all non-compliant firearms. New York City style gun registration for the whole state. Re-registration and permit renewal will be required every five years with ever increasing fees. Anti gun Assembly speaker Sheldon Silver said yesterday the back room deal is 95% done. All being done behind closed doors in secret in Albany fashion.

Link to find your state senator and assemblymen: http://www.hornady.com/in-the-news/latest-news Email or call them ASAP.

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Here is my response to an Assemblyman, if someone would like to use it or parts of it.

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Dear Assemblyman Gabryszak,

I am a town resident and am providing some feedback that you have requested concerning the Second Amendment.

The Second Amendment was wrote into the Bill of Rights so people can read what it takes to maintain the natural rights of man to be free. People have fought for freedom probably since man’s earliest history. Those that fought to be free have always worn the white hats.

Man has the natural right to defend their self, their family, their property, community, and nation from having their natural rights infringed upon. The firearm is still the mechanism to achieve parity for that defense. The Second Amendment is for all to see and understand that individuals bearing arms is the number one deterrent from a government that infringes upon the rights of all people. The Bill of Rights states some of these rights.

The number of people are exponentially growing that have been doing their own research and studies concerning what is happening in this nation, especially over the last ten years. I will be glad to come to your office and discuss declassified documents from the Department of Homeland Security, our armed forces, and other U.S. government institutions.

What is recommended, is to first educate fellow Assemblymen and women that a semi-automatic firearm shoots only one projectile per one squeeze of the trigger. Also, what exactly is an assault rifle.

The AR (ArmaLite trade name)-15 rifle is not an assault rifle. To be an assault rifle it must have Selective Fire. The AR’s that NYS individuals are only allowed to own, do not have SF. The police and military carry firearms that do have Selective Fire and therefore they have the assault rifles.



Your first choice given concerning legislation, demonstrates that you are willing to weaken the people from defending themselves and from providing the deterrence needed to assure that government understands its role of protecting Liberty and not infringing upon it.

The second choice means unacceptable power given to connections with the pharmaceutical industrial complex. The third may sound good but it is working within the confines of restrictions already instituted that, actually should not be in place.

It must be accepted that there are bad people in the world that murder, rape, assault, burglarize, etc. And that all the laws and regulations placed on the whole of society, because of the tragedies of the few, will eventually choke people into the happiness, security, and prosperity that existed behind the Iron Curtain.

We all want to be safe, and everyone feels for those that have suffered loss in any tragedy and natural death. Core causes of such tragedies are not being discussed. This points to an agenda driven focus. And as with previous infringing legislation already passed, this is again, another dangerous step that further threatens the future of a free humanity.

It seems that the people of this nation have been re-educated away from the fundamentals of humanities history. Even with all the technological advancements, society has not progressed. It has regressed. The core cause is the loss of morality resulting into a misguided culture.

The position you are to take is, that the pharmaceutical industrial complex is drugging society with psychotic medications. There is plenty of research available to learn about the power of this industry. These drugs having warnings that could result in suicide. These warnings are in family friendly pharma commercials on TV. And we have people on these psychotic drugs killing people. Too many people, including children, have been prescribed these types of pills.

Demonstrate to Assembly members that you understand the individual deterrence of the Second Amendment and that you will not vote for any measures that hinders the ability of citizens to provide that deterrence. Relay to the Assembly that the core cause is our culture. Educate the Assembly that their needs to be an all out investigation into the pharmaceutical industry and the massive number of Americans being prescribed psychotic drugs.

Please contact me to set up an appointment whereby we can form a rapport and discuss the topic matter contained in these corresponding emails.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

* * *

From Assemblyman Gabryszak

With the recent tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, combined with incidents in

Rochester, New York, Aurora, Colorado and the Virginia Tech Campus, the

subject of gun control is being deliberated feverishly. You are receiving

this correspondence because you have contacted my office recently with your

thoughts on the debate. In the spirit of obtaining constituent feedback on

pressing issues, I am reaching out to you for your views.

I have always been a strong supporter of second amendment rights. The

Governor outlined in his State of the State Address what we expect will be

major components of gun legislation. I have reached out to local law

enforcement officers, SCOPE, and the NRA for feedback. While the legislature

has not received any legislative proposals, I will be taking a wait and see

attitude toward possible gun legislation. Now I am asking for your feedback

on three issues that may be considered:

. Should the possession of clips manufactured prior to 1994 that hold

ten rounds or more be prohibited?

. Should mental health professionals be given more latitude to alert

the authorities that someone should not be allowed to own a firearm?

. Should private sales of all firearms be prohibited? When an entity

sells alcohol, they need to obtain a license to do so. Prohibiting the sale

of a firearm from one private individual to another would require that a

licensed dealer would be the only entity that could broker such a

transaction, ensuing that the proper background checks are conducted.

I have received numerous e-mails and phone calls from the voters in our

district. I would appreciate your input to ensure a reasonable way to keep

our community safe while preserving our second amendment rights. Thank you

for your time and consideration, and I look forward to your responses.


Assemblyman Dennis Gabryszak

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Joe, We have to try and make the facts known and eventually we can prevail. Ten years of stringent gun control during the so-called assualt weapon ban had no effect on deaths. Chicago has the most restrictive gun control laws in the country yet over 500 people murdered in 2012, 8 murdered already this year. Many lawmakers don't even understand the difference between a semi-automatic and fully automatic weapon. As Tony put it: "It seems that the people of this nation have been re-educated away from the fundamentals of humanities history. Even with all the technological advancements, society has not progressed. It has regressed. The core cause is the loss of morality resulting into a misguided culture." We must hammer home the point that destroying the constitution will have no effect. The only answer is that children must be brought up in a sane family environment were life is respected. Our families and our society are broken and the politicians are only making it harder to solve the problem.

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will they listen to my email?

They may not take the time to read the full email, so get your point out in the first sentance. I can guarantee you that they do tally the emails based on those for and those againt this pending bill. Then they may take us seriously if we far out way the anti-gun crowd in our correspondance.

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They may not take the time to read the full email, so get your point out in the first sentance. I can guarantee you that they do tally the emails based on those for and those againt this pending bill. Then they may take us seriously if we far out way the anti-gun crowd in our correspondance.

Correct. A staffer counts them pro or con its mostly just a numbers thing.

I'm a Life NRA memeber and I could not make it through Tony's, the staffers just going to say 1,pro gun and on to the next for the most part.

Mine have been sent and my crew will do theirs tonight at work....

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........but the sad fact is we are only talking to a representative and our words never get across to them.........

Unfortunately, I believe you are right. These guys don't have time to read all these letters and e-mails. What really happens (as I understand it) is that staff members record "yea" or "nay" as to whether the mail is indicating support or opposition to new gun control efforts. All the details of your comments are disregarded. However, I have included some of the high-lights of my thoughts and reasoning just to make the correspondence look like a serious opinion.

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