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Inmates using newspaper's gun owner map to threaten guards


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Well criminals are taking full advantage of this situation....just like most of us thought they would...another example is

In Alfred NY a person Called in a bomb threat at the local elementary school...Knowing that after the Conn. shooting every available police in the area would respond...then walked into the bank robbed it and walked away...blending in with all the other college students...I don't believe they have a clue to who it was yet...but haven't checked lately

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Unless they have a permit I am surprised law enforcement officers would show up on there. My next door neighbor retired from our village police force last year. I have been talking to him lately about all this gun stuff going on. He told me HD didn't get his pistol permit til right before he retired. Said it would be easier than as a civilian. I was surprised when he told me thatpolice officers don't need permits. My cousin is a county sheriff. He said he doesn't have one either but will be getting his before he retires in a couple of years.

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A ton of cops, that I know have permits.

Lets face it, this whole thing was just an irresponsible, low life move perposely done by the corrupt, liberal media, in an attempt to vilafy all gun owners in the wake of the school shooting. They hide behind "The right to know".

Think they will ever publish the names and address of all welfare recipients, including how long they have been on welfare. Doesn't the public have a "right to know" where their tax dollars are going?

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