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Ammunition question

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So basically within hours this is law. Has anyone gone out to get some extra ammo today? I was planning on stocking up on some stuff but figured any law would have some time before it takes effect. This is intant! Now I am thinking of taking a long lunch. I just want to stock up on some 22, 30-30, 22 mag, 12 gauge stuff I use and do not feel like having to get backgrounded and extra charged for tomorrow.

Anyone ammo shopping today? And any issues?

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I bought some yesterday, but it was before the assembly voted or Cuomo signed it. No issues. There is a period of time before the NICS checks for ammo go into place, and then, after it does, if the computer in the store that they are doing the checks on goes down, they can complete the sale without doing the check anyway.

You ever see that blue cable going into the back of the computer? Oopsie, my bad!

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Thank you. It just seems like if there was a background check for the purchase of ammunition they would in turn prohibit private sales of ammunition or of "giving" of ammunition from one person to another.

I am not much of a range shooter, I am quite well stocked on ammunition for all my rifles for a very long time.

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Bought pistol ammo yesterday at Gander. No background but I had to show ID. BTW Gander (CICERO) is out of all .22 .22 long, .22 short, .22 long rifle, 22 mag, 223, 222 Nothing. The only thing left in that section was a few boxes of .17

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