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N.Y. Sheriff's Assoc. position on the Safe Act and letter to Cuomo

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Some very good points made in my opinion. How much 'power' does this association have? Also, hate to be skeptical but is anyone able to confirm the source/letter is authentic? Seems like most of the puppet law enforcement leaders on TV are just saying what their superiors are telling them to.

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JFB, I got the links from a Rochester news website and Patrick O'Flynn is the Sheriff here in Monroe County.His name is on the side of the letter.I doubt the news station would have posted this as a story without knowing the source but stranger things do happen.

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According to their website they had an annual meeting this week. And this is right on their website. Seems to say a similiar thing to that link.

The Governor did his job and presented the Legislature with his ideas for dealing with a serious problem. What we do not understand is the Legislature’s willful abandonment of the regular legislative process to rush through a very complicated and controversial bill without giving even the members of the Legislature, much less the citizenry, time to analyze and respond to the proposal. Usually passing a law is a long and laborious process, often painfully so, but for a reason. When citizen’s life or liberty is to be affected by a proposed law, those citizens should have the opportunity to make their views known to their legislators. Even obviously meritorious and non-controversial proposals often languish in the Legislature for years because, the legislators say, it is necessary to gather input from all affected parties. As frustrating as that may be for some, out of such a deliberative process often come amendments and improvements to the proposal. Did the Legislature not think that any of the 19.5 million New Yorkers might have something of value to contribute to the debate over solutions to gun violence and the proposals in this legislation?

Fortunately, the Governor has shown himself open to working with interested parties to address some of the problems that arose due to the hasty enactment of this law. We will work with the Governor and the Legislature on these problems.

The New York State Sheriffs’ Association takes the time to express these concerns now because many other measures on many other topics of importance to law enforcement and to our citizens in general will arise in the coming year. We will be disappointed and alarmed if this steamroller approach to important legislation becomes the norm.

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Well written but I don't think that the governor or legislature had any interest in anyone's input other than the left wing anti gun mob. If they were, this bill would not have been slapped together in a back room closed door middle of the night deal. At the very least we would have had the standard 3 day comment period if they were truly interested in considering sensible measures.

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Actually, this creates a big problem for King Cuomo. In the last paragraph, the Sheriff is clearly stating that they are obligated to protect the Constitutional rights of the people-ALL PEOPLE. That clearly sends the message that the Sheriff will side with the Constitutional rights of the people against the state. It would literally pit the Sheriff against the State Police, concerning confiscation of a legally owned firearm. This opens up a Pandora's box for the left. This ought to be interesting!

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Very simple, the state police are controlled by the democrats and work for Coumo. The state police will tow the company line and violate our 2A rights if instructed to do so by Cuomo. Cowardly for the leaders within the state police not to speak up but I guess that is self preservation. Here in Rochester the city police chief stood up and endorsed 100% of this bill because he is controlled by the Dems. The sheriff does not work for Cuomo and is able to speak their mind freely.

The solution? at the next election vote Republican....

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