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Arkansas adopts US's most restrictive abortion law

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wtf? where did I say that? For the record I ride the fence on this topic.

The same people are all up in arms about the government telling them what guns they can and can't have but feel the government has a right to tell a woman what she can and can't do with her body?

We are allowed to pick and choose where the gov't can interfere with our lives?

got it.

Edited by Belo
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I still love all the men who feel they can comment on this topic

What did this comment mean then?

And for the record there are plenty of laws that tell us what we can and can't do. Laws against suicide? Dr assisted suicide? organ sales? I am on the fence for much of it myself. but it comes down to the belief of when lif actually starts. How far is too far. If a woman feels a week before her due date that she has had a change of heart and doesn't want the baby, is that too late? Many view this as murder and that is easy to form an opinion against it. Those that do not feel it is life at that point and it isn't murder find it easier to support the mother's rights.

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What did this comment mean then?

And for the record there are plenty of laws that tell us what we can and can't do. Laws against suicide? Dr assisted suicide? organ sales? I am on the fence for much of it myself. but it comes down to the belief of when lif actually starts. How far is too far. If a woman feels a week before her due date that she has had a change of heart and doesn't want the baby, is that too late? Many view this as murder and that is easy to form an opinion against it. Those that do not feel it is life at that point and it isn't murder find it easier to support the mother's rights.

and as a nation we will never come to an agreement. But a crossbow during archery season, now that's a load of bull :king:

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