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Earth Scent Wafers

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Wow, I put these Earth scent wafers in the two bags I keep my hunting gear in... Wew, now everything smells like a combo of tree and dirt.  They are powerful little things, and cheap.    Wonder if they really help cover your scent, it has to help somewhat, it stinks!

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Used these for years.

Also do the scent-free wash/dry and stick one in bag routine.

Usually pin one to my hat while hunting.

Couldn't tell you if they actually work.

Gives me a "warm, fuzzy" feeling about being semi-scent free.

Finish hunting, stick it back in can & they seem to sort of regenerate smell.

They also come in a RUT scent.

This is one you'll want to put in a tree & not on your hat.

They reek!!!

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I have a few of the Fresh Earth Scent cannisters . I use the plastic tubs to keep my gear in with a wafer in there . And , yes , they seem to regenerate themselves when confined to the cannister . I bought a few when Wally World had a season clearance .

I have used them also, whether or not they work I cannot be sure. What I do know is if the wind is not in your favor the deer will smell you no matter what precautions you take.

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Man I've got it this time. We could sell a clip that holds the Earth Scent Wafer together with the Rut Scent Wafer, and market it as the "Scrape Scent Wafer". The rut stink coupled with the earth stink would have to smell like a scrape. This invention's going to make us rich. It can't fail. We have to get Jim Shockey to advertise this one. It's a real winner!!!!


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