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Good for this guy

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And yet we still have those among us who would claim that the possibility of gun confiscation is an exaggerated figment of our imagination. Can't happen here in the USA .... right? We have the protection of the constitution and the 2nd Amendment ..... right? Just combine the events during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina with this story, and you can see just what is possible and likely. And then too, stir in the actions of creepy old Andy "crazy-eyes" Cuomo and his obvious intent to destroy the 2nd Amendment, and you have a crystal clear blueprint of future attacks on all gun owner's rights as these wack-jobs continue to muscle the 2nd Amendment out of existance.


I have no idea how this guy's problems will eventually wind up, but from what I see, he may well be in for a whole lot of harrassment and perhaps legal expense and may still be in trouble based on some secret loophole that the law will pull out of the books. I'm just glad I am not him.....yet.

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This spurred a conversation between me and my wife last night. I set up what happend with the CHild Protective agent coming tot he house with LEO's and asked her what she would do? She didn't know what to do and said she probably would let them in. (Luckily she does nto know where the safe key is) But I told her if there is no warrant in their hand and they refuse to show their ID, she is not to allow entry and to call me right away. Guess I better get a lawyer on speed dial.

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