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Here is where are ammo is not!!


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listen to what the caller said again, these are standing open ended orders. 1.6 billion rounds, just from home land. add on dod, doj. ect.ect. that by contract has to be filled first, then they continue to reissue the contracts. Thats allot of ammo. 


to add to the big brother theory, my sound board on my laptop took a crap. so i listened to it on my phone. as i listened the gps kept activating....hmmmmmm

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Sorry, the caller is full of it. Go back and look, alot of the gun sites had guys wearing tin foil hats theorizing about the large DHS ammo orders months before Sandy Hook.

Im sure there are other orders yet to be filled out there, but these types of orders have been occurring for years and years. They are not the cause of ammo shortages, like Ford said, its people hoarding and others buying it up and reselling it for huge profits because alot of people are panicking.

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I think if everyone would just calm the hell down and stop buying anything they can get their hands on, things would return to normal pretty quick. Its gotten to the point where people can't even find stuff like 30-30 and 30-06 ammo. Rounds like that use to be stacked to the ceiling. The local Gander Mnt. gets ammo in this morning. Doors open at 9 and I'll bet anyone, dollars to donuts that they are out of ammo by 10 or 10:30. Calm down

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