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Rifles, What do you use, why and pictures. Lets see them.

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Remington 870 Super Express Magnum 12 guage

Savage Model 10 .243 Winchester

First two guns I ever bought and the only guns I have for now.  Only got in to hunting within the last 2 years or so.  Hopefully I will be able to buy a new gun every 2-3 years. 

I really have no interest in buying anything for right now since I haven't even killed anything yet with these guns.

For the future I really like the Blaser rifles.  I like that new R8 they just came out with.  Looks real pretty and has a special bolt action technology.

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For the future I really like the Blaser rifles.  I like that new R8 they just came out with.  Looks real pretty and has a special bolt action technology.

If you ever happen to want to talk Blasers; I would be happy to help you. I've owned an R-93 for many years and have several calibers for my stock, and have owned others.

Currently a 300RUM, 270 Win, 8x57 IS with sites, 28 ga Shotgun.

I have owned a 223 Rem, 257 Wby,  and a 7 x 57(should have never sold it)

Most of my scopes are on the quick detach mounts.

Fantastic accuracy with take down repeatability.

I have a wood stock, but am shopping for a second composite if I dont go to the R8; my R93 barrels won't fit it, so I may just find used for the R93.

28ga barrel with #8's


270 barrel with Zeiss 1.5x8x44


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Sorry couldn't find this pic last night;


Top to bottom;

Swarovski 3-12x50 PH 30 mm I use this on both the 270 and 8x57

R-93 Prestige stock

Zeiss 1.8-5.5 for the 270win barrel

300RUM fixed base scope Kahles 2.5-10x50

8x57 barrel

270 barrel

28 ga barrel (yes it has sites)

To the left of each is the magazine,the bolt heads for caliber groups on the right. UM, Mag,Stnd.

For most who are unfamiliar with Blaser;It's a German made gun,have about 75 dealers in the US.

It has a strait pull bolt...the bolt just pulls back,there is no radial turn as in a conventional bolt handle;no lift.The bolt head interchanges for brass diameter.There are around 40 calibers availible from 17hmr to 416 rem in the R93 and the new R8 will also do 416Rigby and 458Lott+win,and 4 matching bolt heads to cover those;they require no tools to change.Magazines hold 3+1,or 4+1 except the 300RUM and 7STW hold 2+1 because of the 404Jeff based brass diameter.

The magazine is over the trigger group;hence no floor plate. These guns are 4" shorter then more conventional bolt guns.

The saftey is not like conventional that block either the sear or trigger.You cock the gun and that compresses the firing pin spring.Therefore carrying with a round in the barrel it is impossible to drop the gun and have it fire,there is no spring pressure to allow the pin to strike the primer;its just a steel rod until cocked at your shoulder.(I still treat it like any gun and handle as if it can;it just adds to more security when afield)

I have one for travel purposes;the stock and 2 barrels in a very small case,similar to a pool cue.(optics in my carry-on)

The accuracy when reassembled is precise to the point you need take only one or two shots to check zero.I've had this one on many trips and she cleans up good with a little stock oil.

If you would like a link to a Blaser forum that has many just "average guy" members shoot me a PM.We come from all walks of life and just enjoy shooting Sauers,Mauser MO3's,and Blasers.

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Sorry if that was too long a discourse :-[

There is a fair bit of mis-information on the web;just trying to be accurate.

Locally you will find me with a 20ga 870 Remington with open sites for a slug gun on deer. And a bird barrel that has more rounds out of it than I care to count. A bit ragged for looks, but still performing for all seasons.

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i only have a small collection..for now

Ruger M77mkII .270 (my go to deer rifle)

Ruger M77 .243 ( current varmint rifle, also killed my first deer with it in 1991)

Remington 1100 12ga ( rabbits and grouse)

Browning Gold Hunter superlight medallion 12ga ( turkey and waterfowl)

Marlin Model 25 22lr ( those little gray squirells lol)

Mosberg 500 20ga (my first gun..got it for my 12th birthday)

soon to be a remington 700 adl varmint in a 22-250 or a T/C Venture in 22-250 ( yotes and chucks)

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  • 2 months later...

My gun of choice is my Howa thumbhole sporter chambered in .300 WSM I have shot everything from woodchucks to elk and this thing performs flawlessly. I catch alot of gripes from friends about the round but when they shoot it they love it. This gun is a keeper for sure. Sorry I dont have any pictures I am at work. Will post later if any one wants to see it

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  • 1 month later...

Mossberg 500 12 gauge.  Blackhawk recoil reduction stock.  18.5" smooth bore and additional 28" field barrel.  My first gun ever.  As my first, I wanted a gun with the most versatility/usage.  Original wood stock and forend also shown.  Looking to add more stuff to it in the near future.  (red dot, heat shield, etc)  I prefer the tactical looks.


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burmjohn;You have a good rifle and a good caliber, any thing from 110 grain to 220 grain and a good scope one of the top three ever made,If the rifle shoots good and the scope is clear.Why would you want to waste some money on something else.Been there done that and Pi...d a lot of money on guns and scopes.

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