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looking for a new quiver....


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I use the good old Kwikee Kwiver.  (not sure if I spelled that correct)  A bow quiver is only a convenient way to carry my arrows to the tree.  I take it off when on stand and hang it on a limb or hook.


They are about as inexpensive as it gets and I've never had one fail in 14 years. 

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you don't want to spend the money but a Tight Spot is awesome.


otherwise I've got Alpine Sof-loc quivers on my bows.  They work good and aren't light but aren't overly heavy either.  They're around $50.  removable foam partial insert and two gripping points for shooting mechanicals if need be.  rubber attachment so it's silent and kills vibration.  solid mounting too unlike some mechanical mounting systems.

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you don't want to spend the money but a Tight Spot is awesome.


otherwise I've got Alpine Sof-loc quivers on my bows.  They work good and aren't light but aren't overly heavy either.  They're around $50.  removable foam partial insert and two gripping points for shooting mechanicals if need be.  rubber attachment so it's silent and kills vibration.  solid mounting too unlike some mechanical mounting systems.


I like that sof-loc...  Pretty need they have this to mount it to a tree too : http://www.cabelas.com/product/Hunting/Archery/Quivers%7C/pc/104791680/c/104693580/sc/104518980/Alpine-Archery-Soft-Loc-Compact-Tree-Screw-Mount/744755.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Fquivers%2F_%2FN-1100032%2B10005237%2FNe-10005237%2FNs-HAS_BAZAARVOICE_REVIEW%257C1%257C%257CPRODUCT_BAZAARVOICE_RATING%257C1%257C%257CPRODUCT_BAZAARVOICE_REVIEW_NUM%257C1%3FWTz_l%3DSBC%253BBRprd1208444%26WTz_st%3DGuidedNav%26WTz_stype%3DGNU&WTz_l=SBC%3BBRprd1208444%3Bcat104518980

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