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Turtle time..


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Found this guy running around in the goldenrod field today. I think he was lost and lonely. After our photo shoot, I gave him a lift down to the crick where I've been seeing a turtle-ette sun bathing on a log topless. :kissing:















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Good pics.


I've been seeing them all over the place. Just last week, I pulled into the local Kinney Drug store and there was a good sized snapper crossing the parking lot heading to a wet ditch on the side of the store. A young girl who works in the store went running towards the thing thinking she was going to rescue it from getting hit. She was about to pick it up when I yelled to her that it would bite her. She went running back into the store all flustered. I told her to just leave the turtle alone but she was on a mission. While I was in line ,waiting to pay for my survival pack, the girl went running, I mean running, back out side with a snow shovel that she got from the back room, and before I was able to check out she came back in with a big smile on her face. I guess she saved the day.

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Yup- been seeing them splattered all over the place here too.

I think all the rain lately has a bunch of them venturing into unfarmiliar territory and unable to find their way home.

Then again..... it could just be the turtle rut!

I just started seeing snappers last week, but haven't been able to scoop any up yet.

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I too have been seeing snapping turtles along the roads. I even stopped to move one off the road. I always thought that this is the time the female snapping turtles are trying to find areas to lay their eggs.

That's exactly what is happening... Often they lay thier eggs in the dirt/gravel right  on the shoulder of the road..


Back in the day when I  caught snapping turtles to eat, I would always wait until July.. June snappers always have eggs in them..They look like minature ping pong balls, and will even BOUNCE a little if you drop them on a hard surface.

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That's exactly what is happening... Often they lay thier eggs in the dirt/gravel right  on the shoulder of the road..


Back in the day when I  caught snapping turtles to eat, I would always wait until July.. June snappers always have eggs in them..They look like minature ping pong balls, and will even BOUNCE a little if you drop them on a hard surface.

There always seems to be a body of water nearby when I see the snapping turtles along the road. Is this to benefit the young when they hatch or because the female left the water to lay her eggs ?

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There always seems to be a body of water nearby when I see the snapping turtles along the road. Is this to benefit the young when they hatch or because the female left the water to lay her eggs ?


You see them close to a body of water because that is where they LIVE..

They know they are vulnerable on land, so they walk to the NEAREST suitable place to dig a hole and lay thier eggs..This, of course gives the hatchlings a little better chance to get back to the water/marsh/swamp before they are devoured by predators, such as coons, possums, herons, etc. etc.

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