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Wow Detroit??

sits in trees

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3.5 billion dollar pension deficit? This looks like the first major city in the U.S. to cave due to pensions promised by unions & politicians using other peoples money....The city workers were told less than 2 years ago that their pension funds and investments were doing good???

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Detroit's total debt is 20 billion, 3.5 billion is less than 17.5 percent of that debt. That's MATH!


"Retired general city workers, such as librarians or sanitation workers, received average payments of $18,275 a year in 2011, according to the Detroit General Retirement System."


Here is where you can read how Detroit city workers are living in the lap of luxury while their city burns around them.




Let's not blame all the execs who shipped good American jobs overseas and then pocketed the difference or the investors that stripped companies the left the bankrupt (private industry) pensions to the states and citys to pay. Wait? you didn't know that when investment bankers pick apart a company the pension funds are left to the city and states to administer? Why? Because that's how they want it.




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OK lets just say on some planet in our universe 3.5 billion is a mere pittance, the fact remains the same, people who are trying to fund their own retirements and lives will once again be asked to pay other peoples pensions in the form of increased taxes, hence the term I used in my first post "other peoples money".. the average Joe in Detroit or any other major city had nothing to do with the dealings of city politicians, union leaders in deciding how these workers are compensated in their old age and shouldn't be held responsible for padding someone else's lifestyles when they retire. Its just wrong, plain and simple. However your right, about fat cats who are are doing a bangup job of raping working Americans also...

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