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garden grow?...I was worried ...every thing went in so late..then we got blight on the tomatoes...and the Japanese beetles exploded on the scene ...but hey things have been good...tomatoes are ripening ...though to my shuggrin heavily sprayed to retard the blight...the summer squash is just starting...eeeggads each plant is 4ft across and I planted 4 groups of each kind..zucchini...yellow and patty pan...the pic shows the third picking of beets and I have lots more...plus may plant some today I luv beets/greens... in for mid morning coffee /back break.......carrots have grown so deep I have to get the pitch fork out...and still picking peas! That's just a few things....How has your work panned out?...I luv summer veggies :) ..Though I have lots of freezing to do today...all the beans were snipped and peas shelled last night....

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The weeds were exceptional this year !I never saw potatoes vines get so tall , they were dying off so I started digging some, they are yielding  alot better than last year. The late season cabbage plants, some  look good some don't. The broccoli drowned, cauliflower so ,so.  The tomatoes  have a lot of vine , but nothing ripe yet, nor the green bell peppers, a teacher told me in school there is no more a compulsive gambler than a farmer or gardener , who plants in the spring and hopes to harvest in the fall.

Edited by F-150
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I think the excess rain and cooler temperatures have taken their toll. The tomatoes are not as plentiful as usual. The peppers are tall and leggy and not coming on well at all. Broccoli are producing small heads and are starting to flower early. Brussel sprouts are not going to fill out. Great plants - no sprouts. Everything else looks pretty good so far. 

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I can't believe you peel the carrots.

 We plant corn in 2 batches and the second batch is better looking stalk that are taller. I had eggplant on all plants then they stopped growing, one plant has since died and i now have blossoms on 2. Of course the yellow squash is doing great and the chickens only like them when they are on plant and not given to them . . .

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Found a turkey feather where I had tomatoes last year. Yep, they remembered. Flock of 18 cleaned up every ripe fruit  on the plants last. To add inssult to injury, they pecked a hole in the green ones.


Funny how on the one year, a garden doesn't get planted, how much we miss it. Summer just seems incomplete without it.

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20' x 40' fenced in with chicken wire , 2 rows of sun flower seeds, 3 rows of corn, carrot seeds between them, cucumber seeds, egg plant seeds, pumpkin seeds and 12 corn plants from a green house.nadda,nothing came up + something chopped down the corn stalks.

Little 4' x10' garden about 50' away also fenced in.Tomato plants doing good,kale is good, onions growing,peppers doing good, broccoli growing,lettuce was great,

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II was told you can store carrots in damp sand in the cellar, I have never done , but hope to try it someday.Cucumber vines have a few cukes along with more blossoms, beets look good, leaf lettuce has produced great this year. Early season cabbage is also great.

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