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Ambit Consultant


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Anybody on here involved in the Ambit business?  I am not one to ever be interested in those MLM's.  However, some guy I know is making $1,000/month for pretty much doing nothing.


Just curious if anyone here is involved....

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is his name Eric?  does he call you twice a week?  hit you up on FB?...he's a great guy, good hunter.  but energy nazi!


What the.....?


No. He signed up some guys he knows a couple of years ago and hasn't done anything since.

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Is that one of those pyramid schemes?


Kind of, but in this case 100% legal.


So what is an Ambit or an MLM?


Multi-level marketing. You get paid by getting other people to sign up, etc.  But in this case instead of selling a product, its a service. Ambit Energy provides your energy instead of ConEd for example.  ConEd is still your service provider, but Ambit provides the energy. The customer saves $ on his electric bill, the guy who signed up the customer gets paid the residuals. Ambit charges "consultants" $429 1 time fee to start their business and then $25/month going forward to run their website,keep track of finances, etc.

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OMG...that's where those every day calls come from???? I lost it yesterday as I had my head stuck in the freezer drying off the coils again...


 before they started ...I said " Wait!! before you start... you'd best not say "is the person who handles the.....".   Well they said " I wasn't go to say that ...but are they there?...LOL..Well it was a FBM that I just couldn't stop from escaping my mouth...they hung up before I did :fie:

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Sounds like a Ponzi scheme ...... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponzi_scheme

Remember the old saying, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is".


I agree it does sound like that, but they are legal and people are making a lot of $. I don't have the time to invest to get involved.  It may be something new to some of you, but it has been around for years. I know they recently reached $1B in sales, in something like 6-7 years only. Pretty nuts. I'm just not a fan of needing to get people to pay $429 for me to make $. If the residual pay was better, it would be worth it to me. I could get all the homeowners I know to sign up for free and its a win-win for everyone.

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Ponzi scheme is different from pyramid scheme.  Ponzi, you're taking money from people, moving it around, and making people think they're making money when they're not.  In the end, you take the money, fake an investment collapse, and run off with the money.


In a pyramid scheme (which unlike the Ponzi, is legal), you're recruiting sales men to sale for you.  You're getting people to sell a 90¢ product for $1.  They keep 7¢ from the profit and you get 2¢, 1¢ goes to whoever recruited you.  The key to make it work is be able to recruit a ton of people who can be great door to door sales men and can recruit a bunch of other people.  Only special people can make it work for them.  Most people only have a tight circle of friends and you end up recruiting amongst each other and trying to sell to each other.  When that happens, the pyramid collapses.

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I think Id rather trust the guy who says you can make $ from home stuffing envelopes. My dad said when I was younger if you have to pay someone to make money then its more than likely not worth it.

That's where I draw the line. When they ask for money, I start getting all nervous and jerky and start demanding credentials, references, and public acceptance. In other words, he had better be a bonafide financial advisor that wants to put that money into a commonly recognized legitimate investment. And even then I will be putting him through the wringer in terms of intense interrogation and watching him like a hawk.

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Nothing wrong with the pyramid scheme.  Its legal and if you have the talent for it you can make a ton of easy money.  The trick is some people have the talent for it and some don't.  But that's the mistake every one makes all the time, no?  This guys succeeded in doing this why can't I?  And then they never put in the kind of work and determination as the person who succeeded and they blame it on the system.

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Nothing wrong with the pyramid scheme.  Its legal and if you have the talent for it you can make a ton of easy money.  The trick is some people have the talent for it and some don't.  But that's the mistake every one makes all the time, no?  This guys succeeded in doing this why can't I?  And then they never put in the kind of work and determination as the person who succeeded and they blame it on the system.

Exactly....in this case, many New Yorkers (including myself until recently) don't know that you have a choice when it comes to your energy provider.  Your bills from ConEd, NYSEG, etc are the same, the energy portion of your bill can be lowered through these other energy providers.


I went to a meeting last night and found out my future father in-law makes $2,200+ each month through Ambit as additional income to his regular full-time job. Guess this is why he has no problem covering the tab for our entire wedding.

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Well after 2 days of thinking about it, I drank the juice lol. I joined. I got my 20 customers lined up and ready to use ambit. This means I will get free energy, so essentially 1/2 my electric bill each month will now be free. I have a couple of consultants as well, so I will get my $429 back right away.

Going forward, my only expense is $25/month for my website. My free energy is more than $25/month so I'm already making a profit. Each month I will begin to receive my residual checks from my customers and my consultants customers.

My future father in law has 12 consultants under him, 13 after I sign up. Those 12 have consultants and customers under him. He has 7,000 customers and makes over $2K a month. I really don't have the time or the dedication to work on this, ill be happy with whatever I get each month since its all profit and never ends.

Not to mention all the tax writeoffs I have now. My dining room is my "office", my dinners at restaurants are with potential clients, mileage, etc.

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

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Who wants to go in on a deep fried sauerkraut & onion flavored ice cream stand at the state fair?


Not everyone likes that crap. Some people prefer other types of food. 


Everyone likes electric, nobody prefers candlelight.


Hate all you want....it doesn't bother me. I have am very stable financially, I don't need this 2nd job. I made a small investment of $429 and will come out ahead with doing minimal work the next few weeks and then nothing the rest of my life, accept watching the direct deposits into my bank account. Even a small amount like $250/month, is a nice $3K hunting trip each year for me now.



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What about if you loose customers after a few months?


Good points.  Even though nobody cancels their electric, if a customer moves or sells their house, I could lose that customer. For that reason, I am signing up like 28-30 people even though I get no additional compensation over 20. This way, if somebody drops off, I am not scrambling to replace the person to keep my residual checks coming in.


Like I said, getting people to switch to ambit for free, while they still get the same bill from ConEd or whoever they have, is very easy.


The harder part is getting people to start a business as a consultant for $429 and then $25/month.  I have a couple of people ready, and someday if I feel like putting more work in and try and recruit an army of consultants unders me.


Its really just a numbers game. I have 20 customers and sponsor 4 consultants. My4 consultants have 20 customers each and now I am getting residuals on 100 customers. Sat my 4 consultants go with my approach and get 4 consultants, now I have 20 consultants under me, totaling 420 customers. I won't even know any of these 420 customers under me. But I'm raking in the residuals. But remember, I havent even factored in the fact that these 20 consultants want to sign up consultants who want to sign consultants, etc....it goes on and on and on and on......The good thing is only 3% of people in the 9 states that allow this have ambit, so plenty of potential customers out there, and more states to come soon, and then countries, etc.

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I would keep in mind the roughly 95% failure rate of consultants and the fact that Ambit grows faster than it can handle, and the history of the founders tells me they will sell off at some point.


Good luck in your venture, certainly not for every one. The hardest sell is a non-tangible product like this.

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I would keep in mind the roughly 95% failure rate of consultants and the fact that Ambit grows faster than it can handle, and the history of the founders tells me they will sell off at some point.


Good luck in your venture, certainly not for every one. The hardest sell is a non-tangible product like this.


True, but I'm not selling anything. Customers sign up for free to save $ on their electric bills.

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Tommy, how much would it save your customers per month to switch?


It's somewhere between 1-10% off your "energy", but its gauranteed to be a savings. 


Energy is like 1/2 of your electric bill, the other 1/2 is delivery.


I have ConEd, I assume you do to?  Here's an example.


My bill in the summer with A/C's going is like $120.  About $60 is energy, so then 1-10% off of that.


http://ambitservice.com/ambit-energy/coned/ < ConEd to Ambit.


No Contract, No sign up fees, etc.

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