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Cross Bows NO Longer Legal In NY


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What should really sadden you is the fact that you are lucky to have a hunting season at all in NY with that Nazi you have as Governor. Between Cumo and Bloomberg NY has become the anti-gun nut headquarters.

We have close to a million hunters entering the NY woods every year, The NY hunting tradition is vibrant and strong and brings one billion dollars in revenue to this state every year. Not even Cuomo and Bloomberg would dare mess with that or would ever have a chance of stopping it. We shoot more and bigger deer in NY state than North Carolina could ever dream of. I also have over one million acres of state land to hunt in addition to my own here in NY. While states like yours look for ways to destroy wilderness with mining, fracking and amusement parks, NY is adding forever wild lands every year with over 100 thousand acres added just in the last few years. 

The only difference between NC and us NY'ers is we cant shoot our deer with AK-47s but we do pretty good with our bolt action rifles killing 1/2 million whitetails a year. Go and bash NY hunting on some we hate NY'ers site in North Carolina. Tire of this southern redneck jealous mentality. The south doesn't do everything better! actually they do almost everything worse. 

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It should sadden you since the majority do have than opinion.


that is your opinion. and please don't post that poll that was put out by the NYCC to prove otherwise. Why do bowhunter numbers keep climbing?


What should really sadden you is the fact that you are lucky to have a hunting season at all in NY with that Nazi you have as Governor. Between Cumo and Bloomberg NY has become the anti-gun nut headquarters.


this is bow season. we're not talking guns.

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stay on the porch with the pups?


surveys aren't fact, I'm sure you learned this in grade school and possibly college and so I will chalk it up to a memory lapse. Citing surveys and referencing them is common in the technology world, but never can they be deemed "fact".


oh and look here comes the big buck hunter to gang up, but with nothing to add but his post count.

Edited by Belo
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Oh and the results of a survey are facts. they may not be 100% accurate but if the results are outside the margin of error it is pretty safe. If you don't believe they results to be accurate why not get behind actually having a vote among license purchasers next year to settle this once and for all. if you are right and the majority don't want it then you should be right ont he band wagon.

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 NYS DEC sees the results as "enough" of a fact that they included it as part of their 5 year plan.


a plan from the same great state which brought you such wonderful things as the safe act and other wonderful ideas


Ok I've stayed out of these Belo fests...but really? You pulled out the what ever....did you hold out your pinky finger when typing that....Lol


no useless threads from you this morning; so you stick your nose in here? It was my attempt to stop the 12 page crossbow thread from happening because right now we should all be excited for hunting season and actually be talking about? But if you want to all pile on, that's fine too.

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listen. nothing will ever change my mind on crossbows, and nothing will ever change yours. like I said we can avoid the whole rehash right now if we just let bygones be bygones and agree to disagree.

Huh, that's funny. You didn't seem to want bygones be bygones when it came to pulling me into your posts. Hypocritical much?

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But at the same time as belo says surveys done by the DEC shouldnt be used as facts, he spouts the nonsense that NYB posts up as if its the gospel. At least the DEC did surveys to come up with their numbers instead of pulling them out of thin air.


I say the DEC should do a true survey, and add 5 questions when you buy your hunting license. You could use those numbers as fact, and even separate them between bow hunters, all season hunters and gun hunters.

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Taking my wife to her hunters ed course this weekend in pleasant valley. I'll see if the guys giving the course there heard anything.


my wife's taking hers right now. Almost 80 people she said. lots of youth and she was even surprised at how many girls were there. I think we're doing better as a sport then some people think at reaching the youth. Of course we can do better though.


but i agree that i wouldn't take any statement from an instructor as fact until it's in the books. a little scary they're so out of the loop and potentially setting up new hunters for fines and penalties.

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my wife's taking hers right now. Almost 80 people she said. lots of youth and she was even surprised at how many girls were there. I think we're doing better as a sport then some people think at reaching the youth. Of course we can do better though.


but i agree that i wouldn't take any statement from an instructor as fact until it's in the books. a little scary they're so out of the loop and potentially setting up new hunters for fines and penalties.

I wonder how many who take the course actually continue hunting after the first couple years, both my wife and daughter took the course and hunted until they got a deer, after that they were done..............

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