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Steuben County GIS mapping

Geno C

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i know a few months ago i was able to access it like i can on the chemung county website and view property layouts and real property taxes. i know some dont like that the public can use this function but many counties have the ability to do so. Does Steuben County Still have it??


there are a few houses i am trying to see how the property is laid out and what the taxes are.makes it easier to weed out so i dont have to waste my time driving up there and all around town. In Chemung its under Real property tax and once the property is located there is a GIS locator that defines the property lines.


any help would be great guys



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Me too lol

I like to see how the property is layed out tho. Sometimes you find property with very strange Nd hard to follow property lines. Plus I want to see the real property taxes. Could.have sworn Steuben had something, dang it...

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Geno....Not to change the subject, but I felt that you should know..


There ARE no deer or turkeys in Steuben County....<<sigh>>.....


Lots of COUGARS, though...Ya just have to scout the right bars to find out where they hang out.

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Geno....Not to change the subject, but I felt that you should know..


There ARE no deer or turkeys in Steuben County....<<sigh>>.....


Lots of COUGARS, though...Ya just have to scout the right bars to find out where they hang out.



oh there are no deer there?

well that settles that... thanks for the heads up lol

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i could have swon earlier in the year when i was looking into Steuben i found a few properties that i was looking into and i could have swon i used a GIS mapping tool through the county website to view the property tax info and use the measuring tools

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Geno how much land are you looking for with a house may I ask?...Do I recall you saying you had some hunting property up this way already?


PS...have you been looking at the local papers and penny savers for properties for sale? I'll tell ya you may be surprised at there being a few gems out there...I use to go to peoples doors and knock.... give them a card and say if you haven't sold by the time your contract is up call and we'll talk.....Actually had two contracts ready to go doing that at thousands less than what the low end of realtors suggestion...but due to.... well strange circumstances...both ours and theirs in those cases we had to let them go...

Edited by growalot
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Geno how much land are you looking for with a house may I ask?...Do I recall you saying you had some hunting property up this way already?


PS...have you been looking at the local papers and penny savers for properties for sale? I'll tell ya you may be surprised at there being a few gems out there...I use to go to peoples doors and knock.... give them a card and say if you haven't sold by the time your contract is up call and we'll talk.....Actually had two contracts ready to go doing that at thousands less than what the low end of realtors suggestion...but due to.... well strange circumstances...both ours and theirs in those cases we had to let them go...



been cutting my teeth looking online... i think i know just about every property for sale in chemung and steuben county...  i have looked at a few local penny savers but most was the same that was on Realty USA and Elmira Corning MLS. they are usually all the same... same mls numbers and listing just different sites to view them on.


yes i have family and family friends who we have been letting us hunt their property for as long as i can remember, since my step dad was in his teens even. total we have around 250-300 acres or so in ERIN to hunt. right now i think im just going to concentrate on getting a house so i can get up there lol. we found one we are trying to move a head on. my wife is a real estate agent as well 

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i found this also... and on the same page on the stueben county website you access other counties. however i guess Steuben took the tool away for you to see property lines and so on?


that stinks... all the other counties i have checked has their version to use

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Sorry, I didn't test out that link, but was hoping it would be similiar to the one for Wayne Co. We can put in Town/Village and either specific address or property owner's name and it'll take you to the tax roll info page for that property. Which lists the taxes, assesment, property size, buildings, lein info, owner's contact, etc. On that page there is a link to go to tax map for that property. Would have thought Steuben Co being much larger (pop.) it would have had similiar or better property tax search data on their website.

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