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Heck, it's the law. You gotta comply.

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Lol ..... You know, you are absolutely right. Hell, you can't even get them to vote. Too damn inconvenient.

That's really it in a nutshell... the "they'll never take my guns" people are non-existent before the laws are passed... failing to join the NRA or contact their legislator to voice their opinion... or even inform themselves on what's going on so that they know who has their best interest at hand when it comes to preserving our gun rights when it comes to casting a ballot on election day... apathy is our worst enemy in this fight. You can't wait for gun laws to be passed to decide its time to be pissed.

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We are fast becoming a police state, Doc. Covert makes more sense than you do.


Studying and research has you correct. Easily. The far majority of Americans do not read and study. 


I have posted links to some very important government documents.  The post ended after that.  It seems, probably no one even read them who carry the mainstream persona present here. Otherwise, the discussion would be about the documents.   But that has not happened.  The puts a question mark over those who continue to carry forward the establishment media style.

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I'm really not going to deal in "what-ifs". I am looking at the world as it exists without letting my imagination get me off into a land of fiction. I hear all this whining (sorry about using that term) about how bad we have got it and how we have joined the ranks of the oppressed, and all I hear being offered as a solution is a bunch of Rambo talk. It appears that if things were as dire as is being painted by those like Early, we should already have taken up arms and joined the nearest militia ... lol. But no, the fact is that just like the rest of us he is contentedly heading out to work everyday, going about his business conducting life in a very contended fashion, just like we have always done since the inception of this country.


So, tell me people, just what are you proposing as a solution to all this horrible inhuman oppression? Are you all packing to head off to whatever country you picture now as utopia? By the way where is that? Are you planning to organize and tear down this oppressive government and then worry about what you are going to replace it with later? Any of you have any idea just what this new government will look like? How will it differ from what we already have? Or have you even thought past your Rambo fantasies as to what might be implemented if this government came down? You have absolutely no ideas of what to replace it with, or you would be doing at least the bare minimums to change the system by using the system. I realize that isn't as flashy as all the "movie script" revolutionary talk, but that is what's required for real change. It is activity that may actually take some real effort .... certainly more than just idly sitting around complaining about how bad things are and how we are going to take up arms against our country. By the way, there are a few Arab countries that might offer to help you out in that effort.


So, seriously, what is your vision of how we should proceed? Really, I would like to hear it. This question is open to anyone that thinks they have the answer to all the supposed inhumane oppression that we are forced to live under. Try to keep the discussion out of the realm of fantasy and imagination and thoughts of conjured up pretend scenarios that will "maybe" happen. Given the world as it is today, what are your solutions? Armed open rebellion? Murder all the politicians? Move to another country? Maybe just tear down the country and leave it available for whoever wants to take it over? The Islam nations have some ideas to help you along with the re-forming of America. Or maybe you would like a little more of a free-form type of government. Maybe a society of anarchy .... you know kind of a "Mad Max" scenario.....lol. Since so many have given up on even trying to use the systems of reform that are already in place, what realistically is your next move?


I will be glad to answer your questions.  But first, lets discuss the documents I linked to in this thread http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/17403-think-you-wont-be-required-to-turn-in-your-guns/?p=224758.


I notice you keep insinuating to folks as "conspiracy theorists" and such.  You asked for proof of topics.  I gave some hard core government docs and you have ignored it.  I also asked you if you wanted some more links, and there was no response.


You want answers to your questions?  Go read those docs and lets see what kind of critical thinking skills you have.  Because from reading the way you position yourself, you have put a spotlight on yourself as just another American who accepts what they are being fed.


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Studying and research has you correct. Easily. The far majority of Americans do not read and study. 


I have posted links to some very important government documents.  The post ended after that.  It seems, probably no one even read them who carry the mainstream persona present here. Otherwise, the discussion would be about the documents.   But that has not happened.  The puts a question mark over those who continue to carry forward the establishment media style.

Personally, I am not interested in the results of a scan  of the internet looking for every governmental abuse or conspiracy type story that they can dig up. Those articles and documents are a dime a dozen. Try to understand this ..... No one here believes that there are not abuses in government, and I don't think anyone ever said that there isn't. In fact if you think somebody here thinks that the government can do no wrong, you either have not bothered to read the replies, or you have a comprehension problem. So, the bottom line is that you are way off-topic. The discussion has been about how best to tackle those problems.

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That's really it in a nutshell... the "they'll never take my guns" people are non-existent before the laws are passed... failing to join the NRA or contact their legislator to voice their opinion... or even inform themselves on what's going on so that they know who has their best interest at hand when it comes to preserving our gun rights when it comes to casting a ballot on election day... apathy is our worst enemy in this fight. You can't wait for gun laws to be passed to decide its time to be pissed.

Anti gun legislation always came up for years before the Safe Act, it just never passed........the latest micro stamping of ammo idea was presented a few years ago and defeated, it resurfaced again and people act like it's something new.......why was it ok when they passed the last magazine capacity law?

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Anti gun legislation always came up for years before the Safe Act, it just never passed........the latest micro stamping of ammo idea was presented a few years ago and defeated, it resurfaced again and people act like it's something new.......why was it ok when they passed the last magazine capacity law?

I'm a bit confused about the point you're making, but I would just like to correct one thing about that first line of your reply. There's been a ton of gun legislation that has passed prior to the Safe Act.

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I'm a bit confused about the point you're making, but I would just like to correct one thing about that first line of your reply. There's been a ton of gun legislation that has passed prior to the Safe Act.

the point I was trying to make, was that they have been chipping away or attempting to chip away at gun ownership for years, when did they enact the last magazine capacity law, was it 1994? don't remember any uproar over that.......why is it that people are just now waking up, because they took too much all at once?

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the point I was trying to make, was that they have been chipping away or attempting to chip away at gun ownership for years, when did they enact the last magazine capacity law, was it 1994? don't remember any uproar over that.......why is it that people are just now waking up, because they took too much all at once?

Yes, I think that is why people have reacted with a bit of shock. This was a wide-ranging and extremely controversial step. Also the sneaky way that it was rammed through also is an added irritant. I also think that our pro-gun advocacy groups are doing a much better job of rallying gun owners, and bringing attention to these things. I also think there is an awareness of just how vulnerable we are every time some wack-job goes out and pulls off one of these mass-killings. It seems that the anti-gun forces have a lot more to work with these days, and gun owners are feeling a bit of panic over that. Also, many of the previous restrictions allowed for grandfathering of existing shooting property, and this law has given us back-door registration and other scenarios that are, or border on, confiscation. Before it was a kind of "death by 1000 cuts" most people weren't even aware that it was happening. Not so with this law. It came on like a big splash with no pretenses in terms of motives.
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Anti gun legislation always came up for years before the Safe Act, it just never passed........the latest micro stamping of ammo idea was presented a few years ago and defeated, it resurfaced again and people act like it's something new.......why was it ok when they passed the last magazine capacity law?

Yes and very few gun owners knew what was going on... those laws were squashed by the likes of the NRA and other 2nd Amendment right orgs...but to Docs point, numerous gun laws have been passed over the years without so much as a look from most gun owners. Most simply just can't be bothered.

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Let's not overlook the fact that when previous gun legislation was presented the internet and social media was not as firmly entrenched as it is today. instant access to a proposal and the buzz surrounding it is at a fingers touch for almost everyone.

and as Doc pointed out earlier, some of the laws that had been passed had "grandfather clauses" in them protecting the people who already owned certain weapons and magazines.........which more than likely created an "I've got mine" attitude among owners, so many saw no need to protest.

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Interesting side-by-side photos of Obama going around:  In one he declares that we should send weapons to the Syrian rebels so they can better fight their government that does not represent them.  In the other he declares that there is absolutely no reason that any American needs an assault weapon.  Hmmm.....Think about that for awhile.  Our government, which Doc so believes in and strongly supports, seeks to disarm American civilians while at the same time arming govt. forces (read:  police forces at all levels) to the teeth with the latest military assault gear.  Does that sound like America...or more like some foreign dictatorship?

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Interesting side-by-side photos of Obama going around:  In one he declares that we should send weapons to the Syrian rebels so they can better fight their government that does not represent them.  In the other he declares that there is absolutely no reason that any American needs an assault weapon.  Hmmm.....Think about that for awhile.  Our government, which Doc so believes in and strongly supports, seeks to disarm American civilians while at the same time arming govt. forces (read:  police forces at all levels) to the teeth with the latest military assault gear.  Does that sound like America...or more like some foreign dictatorship?

You seem to be confusing Obama with the U.S. government. You also seem to be confusing me with an Obama supporter. Wrong on both counts. I think you are just confused ..... lol.

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 If I were to sit down and have a beer with him, I would be constantly looking over my shoulder!

Ha-ha .... With your paranoia and view of legality, that is probably something you are quite used to doing anyway. Sorry, I just couldn't resist .... lol.

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