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the 243 comes out....


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I wouldn't normally and sure wish the cross bows were legal for small game...but I need to dbl check my scope any how....There is a giant  fat wood chuck eating my clover plot in front of the blind...I mowed the grasses and some weeds in the shooting house blind plot this a.m.the knees a bit rough and it's hotter than hot out so I grabbed some supplies and headed down to read a book....I rounded the corner and he ran...well a nap later I look up and there he was again...what a pig!!!...thank heavens all alone....give me a chance to check out a close shot with the scope....will wait a couple of days for spooked him when I left as well...

I  could sponsor a dove hunt as well...with all the dove I kicked out today...it's been a long time since we've had this many dove around...must be the sorghum...we had a flock of geese fly in real low (shooting low) the other day as well....



Edited by growalot
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Ahhhhh, the much maligned 243.  Think it has what it takes to flatten that 'hog?  grins.........


I think the world of the little 243.  I'll be carrying one on opening day this year.  Not my usual Remington 243 but a NULA 243 LH that I stumbled on.  Two guns get sold to keep the books balanced for the new acquisition.


The old 243 is getting new life as a 260 Remington with a new SS Rock Creek barrel.


Pics of the ventilated clover eater....................................

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My grandfather kept the ground hog population in check - kept a rifle in his truck all spring and summer.  Shot them on sight.  Took out a couple every week on what used to be the family farm.  Their dens in a field will reek havoc with $140k harvester.  I would scope him and give him some lead poisoning.


I think a ground hog is what is eating my great-mother's irises that we saved and planted at my house.  Too bad I live in town, or he would get the same treatment my grandfather handed out.  Guess I will have to sneak up on him and play whack-a-mole as long as no kids are outside.


Wish we had a season for dove here.  We use to get a few doves while out rabbiting hunting.  They were good eating as I recall.  We even got a dove when we went out goose hunting once - the geese were a no show, but the doves came into the harvested cornfield we had the blind in.




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