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Bad luck streak continues!


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So weve had a big spike in our area for a few years now. Big body deer probably weighs 130 or so. Just never gets anything more on his dome but two little spikes. Heck i dont think they are even three inches lol. Had him come in first thing this morning...in the one spot that we dont want them to come in. He didnt spook but kinda milles around to my left for a bit. Was finally able to move and go full draw at 15 yards. I watched as my arrow literally went to the left of the deer by a good ten feet and behind him a good ten feet. Never seen it before. He bounded and stopped. I grabbed another arrow and he milled back into 20 yards in front of me. Knew i should aim low as hes kinda nervous and jerky at this point. Let it fly and his belly hit the ground, arrow clipped some back hair dead center of where it was supposed to go! He gave me another shot behind me but id already missed twice, figured didnt need to even think about it.

Still not sure what happened to my first arrow. It left the bow and went immediately left. No twigs or limbs its all open. Checked my fletchings they are fine, and the string didnt hit my arm. Kinda stumped actually. Buddy asked if i had shot my broadheads, yes they are dead on. Kinda weird! But my luck keeps getting better haha!

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TeeBugg if your a rt hand shooter and it went that far lft...are you unconsciously gripping your bow as you shoot instead of cradling it between your thumb and fore finger? or slightly holding the string away from your cheek?...both those things will pull a shot ....Good luck ...things will turn around don't get discouraged...still great you had a shot and no wounds..heart pumping  action...

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I am a right handed shooter. Few years ago i had a real bad go around with target panic. I was missing left and right. But i dealt with it and now im almost too calm when i go full draw. I cradle the bow and i shoot open handed. All my points where i know i can release an arrow were there. Like i said it was strange because i didnt miss a little, i missed ALOT.

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TeeBugg if your a rt hand shooter and it went that far lft...are you unconsciously gripping your bow as you shoot instead of cradling it between your thumb and fore finger? or slightly holding the string away from your cheek?...both those things will pull a shot ....Good luck ...things will turn around don't get discouraged...still great you had a shot and no wounds..heart pumping action...

And yeah im glad i didnt wound him. That wouldve been far worse than completely missing him. The second shot i knew he would duck...and he literally layed down lol

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Sounds like you didn't look thru the peep but rather to the left side of it.

Nope i had my sight centered and the pin buried just behind the shoulder. It was a freak occurence. Either that or a really stiff crosswind blew thru haha!

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Dont give up for anything. No lie I missed my first two deer I ever shot at in my life. First one a big 8 point. And i missed with a scoped rifle lol.

Hit the back yard or were ever you shoot and make sure you're shooting a decent group and then get right back in the woods. Good luck !!

Oh i plan on it. Shot the bow and everything is dead on. Arrows are straight and everything seems fine. I throw the misses in a barrel and i dont let it get me down. Everybody misses!

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At least you're getting shots.  The last 3 times out I had a shot on deer (does twice and a spike once).  One busted me when I was drawing my bow, second one I waited for a better shot that never came, and third one bust be me after I had drawn my bow but she saw me turn because she was slightly behind me.

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10 feet! That sounds like a massive "flinch". Or who knows ..... maybe the arrow was not on the rest. If this has never happened before and it never happens again, you will just have to chalk it up to one of those unexpected anomalies that archery seems to occasionally come up with. As far as the "back-hair" shot, that is not really all that unusual. Those critters do have the reflexes of a fly. Keep at it. Keep up a good steady practice regimen and pay attention to all the details.

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