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property boundry=Confused


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Yesterday after done hunting for the day i start driving around the land i hunt. While driving i found new piece i didn't even know had exised. The thing is the sign says STATE LAND WMA something like that on a telephone pole, but yet there are posted signs too. What shoud i do, play it safe and ask around or stay away from it because i personally dont want to hunt someones land without their permission?

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One can become a lic. Shooting preserve in NYS pretty easy, then post official looking signs. Clubs and such sometimes use more official looking signs with seals and sec. Of NYS game laws on them to discourage trespassers even more then the standard yellow box store ones.

We do. We have printed up ones, with the name of our land management name printed on them as well no magic marker lol.

It would help if you had the exact wording on the sign.

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