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Anybody look at that calendar lately? Only a week of bow season left! And I haven't got 'er done yet. It ain't looking too good. I've educated just about every deer in the area. Maybe in the gun season, I might have a different education in store for them. ;D


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I'm still hanging in there . I hope the guy with the ATV isn't riding up and down the road today .

you know we only get a few precious weeks to hunt, and these atv guy's have the whole year to tear up the woods, you would think they could have alittle decency and give us some space and most of all QUIET!!
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Yes, me too! Been a tough year. Hunted hard normally Friday's and Saturday's from Sunrise to Sunset, not seeing a lot of deer this year. Had family matters this morning, but will get out this afternoon again. I never put my longbow down, switching to a gun or muzzleloader to me, I'd be cheating myself, out of a greater reward. During Gun Season I just move to Bow Hunting Only Areas, later in the season, most gun hunters have either filled a  tag or given up.

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Yeah this has been a real frustrating year with hikers and bikers and small game hunters shooting up the area where I have been trying to move in on a nice buck. Just tonite there was a woman hiker who went wandering by my stand. Fortunately it was early in the afternoon, and I doubt that she bothered anything. However, all the excuses aside lol.... I may not have gotten anything yet but I have had some great times so far and have seen quite a few deer. Just haven't been able to put things together yet. One more part of a week left. If I connect ..... fine. If I don't that's fine too. I do enjoy gun hunting too and won't be missing much of that either.


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Doc you're right. It has actually been a good year although deerless thus far. Have seen all kinds of critters including bears. I've been keeping an outdoor journal and plan to post it on Facebook at the end of the season. Good Hunting! & Good Luck!

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Im with ya Doc, nothing for me yet, but I have taken a shot at one and had alot more in range that I let walk. Im not going in the woods today, Im gonna hang christmas lights instead and get things done around here. Ill get out Thursday and Friday this week. Maybe Ill get it done, but its looking like Ill get nothing with a bow again this year. Oh well, my Encore is sighted in and ready for next weekend.

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How can it be Bad News You have until Dec. 21 to get it done.NYSDEC  does not force you Not to use a  bow in any of the other Seasons,They just say you have to abide by the rules of that season.Just be thankful that you are healthy enough to get out there and do what you enjoy.If you choose to hunt on state land you should know that anyone is allowed to walk, run or whatever thy are allowed to do.We have hunted most of our lives on state land or parks and a good  amount of the time a person walking or riding a bike would kick up a deer that was just laying there waiting for you to move.

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Now you want to hear some bad luck,it may not be bad news.I decide to go and put my trail camera up in the area I would like to hunt next week.Being that I am all banged up and bruised from an accident I had a little over a week ago,lucky no broken bones.Sprained 3 fingers on my left hand,took a really hard hit on my right bysept and pulled a mussel below my right sholder.So there goes bow hunting for this year.I get on my ATV,it is all up hill to get to the spot,get there found some fresh rubs.Put up the camera and start back to the house.A little less then 100 yards from the house a nice basket racked 6 pointer gets up walks about 10 yards and stands there staring at me,I am now stopped,I look to my left and there is his girlfriend just laying there.So I just rode back to the house.I should learn to take a camera with me at least I can shoot it with that.

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