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Help Me Make An Honest Offer...


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I may have the opportunity to lease 28 acres in Columbia county (with an option to buy). Its mostly lightly wooded and hilly with a small wetland to the back of the property. It borders a large power line right of way that seems to be a game highway. It is a stones throw from the Taconic parkway and I've seen deer, turkey and other game there.


The question is what is a fair price for leasing property for hunting and camping? So if anyone has had any experience with this sort of thing please speak up!



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Leases range in price and area.  I would expect to lease that small of and area for a cheap price depending on stipulations of buy out.  If you would have exclusive rights 900 -1200 possibly more if you are trying to buy out.  If possible see if other area's are available for additional buy out.  Sometimes you will get a better deal on larger tracks.

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i wanna bump this for more input but i also want to mention that my wife and I would be using the property over the year for camping (planning on dropping a pop up onsite) and as a HQ while we continue to look for property to buy in the area. I will be hunting it in season.

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$85k plus taxes to hunt in NY? Lol. How about 10-20 hunting trips for that $?

To each his own, but I assume you have no other debt or mortgages? If you do, why not pay those off first?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by Biz-R-OWorld
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I have a high ranch on long island that i live in and a brownstone in brooklyn that i rent (I keep an apartment for us) and I'm planning on moving to the lower half of columbia county once my second kid is out of high school and i sell the house on long island.

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