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New Sponsor - Kodabow Crossbows - Made in the USA

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Welcome Kodabow Crossbows -  a new sponsor for HuntingNY. The company makes a dependable recurve crossbow based on a AR-15 platform style and the crossbow offers several neat features like easy string change in the field, quick takedown to fit into a AR double rifle case or go all the way and fit the entire bow in a small duffel bag. The split limb recurve results in a low noise signature at the shot and there are 5 different limb weights with speeds to 350 fps. All models sell for $899.99 and limbs are interchangeable.


Check out the Kodabow Facebook site and the 23 videos on the Kodabow YouTube channel but a great starting place is the website at www.kodabow.com






Some Kodabow photos:


Jim heads to Africa every year with his Kodabow.



Target shooting off the front porch.



Nice Black Bear in the Cinnamon phase.



Kodabow receivers coming out of the machining process. Kodabow Crossbows

are Made in the USA and the company is based in West Chester, PA.



Chuck, Kodabow's President - a retired Navy CDR, talking crossbows at the NRA Show in Indianapolis this past weekend. Kodabow is a Ruger Partner company.



Rick with a big Kodabow Florida gator taken in the last week. Rick lives in FL and is on the Kodabow ProStaff.



Some video's:








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Thank you for the interest. At this time, we have not built out a dealer network in New York State.

Here are 4 ideas:

(1) During the 2nd half of June and during the month of July, invite Kodabow to your local hunting club or group

and we would be pleased to schedule a morning or afternoon Kodabow shoot. 

(2) Suggest that your local dealer look into Kodabow. If they have an interest, we will get them going.

(3) If you are down this way for any reason, you have an invite to visit our facility.

(4) or if you just need one now, call us up and order one (and since there is not a dealer in your area, we will ship directly pronto.)

Today 4/29 -- our bows are headed everywhere from Idaho and Minnesota to South America. (Idaho bear season is open for another month I think!)


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