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safe act interviews

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I think the best approach to getting non-gun owners to pay attention is to explain how if one amendment can be attacked so viciously... what is to stop the attack on the rights given by other amendments? ... People need to understand that the collapse of a structure can start with the removal of one brick.

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I think the best approach to getting non-gun owners to pay attention is to explain how if one amendment can be attacked so viciously... what is to stop the attack on the rights given by other amendments? ... People need to understand that the collapse of a structure can start with the removal of one brick.

unfortunately, many people, (hunters included) agree that the 2nd Amendment was written at a time when the weapons that are available today did not exist and that guns need to be regulated (in NY anyway). They don't see the Gov't telling us we can't own 30 round magazines and "assault rifles" as a violation of that right. I would also think that the average voter and casual gun owner, is more concerned with other issues when it comes to election time..........I've always looked at a candidates stance on hunting and gun ownership for as long as I've been able to vote, I bet many would tell me that I'm ignoring the important things on a candidates agenda.

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I think the best approach to getting non-gun owners to pay attention is to explain how if one amendment can be attacked so viciously... what is to stop the attack on the rights given by other amendments? ... People need to understand that the collapse of a structure can start with the removal of one brick.



Exactly.  Anyone who is really in this realizes this fight is not about guns.  it is about all our rights. History shows with several instances, but the biggest being nazi Germany is that once the govt controls the guns, they take away all and will do so with force.  This fight is also not about the safe act in NY.  It is about the entire country watching us to see how we react and to see how far they can push in other states and the entire country.  That is the reality of it.  Either we stand against it in November, or we just roll over now.  Either message will ring across the nation next year.  Now do I think that if we get Astorino into office in January that the safe act will be repealed in January. Oh hell no.  It took years to get to this point and it will take years to turn it around. He or any other candidate can run saying they will repeal it.  You need the bill sent to you to be able to do so. There are several who need to go before that is even a possibility.  But we need to start somewhere.  And if we do not start to turn it around now, we never will.  There is already legislation sitting waiting for the outcome of the election.  For instance with the new ny compliant ar's they will introduce legislation next January to make every semi automatic firearm an assault weapon and any military type action such as a mauser or nagant sniper rifles which will be added to the list.  If you think they will not push forward with more restrictions and controls, you are very much mistaken. If you choose to keep the oh they are not coming after my hunting rifle, think again.  If you own an 1100 or a 7400 remington or any semi auto handgun, they are already preparing to come after them.. And the sad part is if they make the list, you can not pass them on to a family member.  They go to the state same as ar's have to now when you pass.  Sounds a little like confiscation to me. If you are willing ot take that chance fine.  I am not without a fight  Call me a conspiracy theorist or whatever.  I get this information first hand from an assembly person who is close to all this fight also.  Once they have the guns, they own us.  The second protects the rest.  Lead follow or get out of the way.

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unfortunately, many people, (hunters included) agree that the 2nd Amendment was written at a time when the weapons that are available today did not exist and that guns need to be regulated (in NY anyway). They don't see the Gov't telling us we can't own 30 round magazines and "assault rifles" as a violation of that right. I would also think that the average voter and casual gun owner, is more concerned with other issues when it comes to election time..........I've always looked at a candidates stance on hunting and gun ownership for as long as I've been able to vote, I bet many would tell me that I'm ignoring the important things on a candidates agenda.

People need to also realize that it has never stopped with so called "sensible" gun laws... no laws have been enacted by referendum of the people... they are always passed in the wee hours of the night, behind closed doors by government officials with an agenda... there is no such thing as a sensible gun law that targets law abiding citizens only and has no affect on criminal activity.


The 2nd Amendment uses the term "arms" in the perfect way... not mentioning the type of weapon gives citizens the right to own that weapon which will allow them to defend themselves against any weapon of the time. Back then it was muskets... today it's an AR15. Wouldn't have made much sense to have had a law that allowed citizens to carry muskets forever... while the rest of the world and the government could create newer and better weapons... our forefathers used the term "arms" on purpose and for that very reason.

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People need to also realize that it has never stopped with so called "sensible" gun laws... no laws have been enacted by referendum of the people... they are always passed in the wee hours of the night, behind closed doors by government officials with an agenda... there is no such thing as a sensible gun law that targets law abiding citizens only and has no affect on criminal activity.


The 2nd Amendment uses the term "arms" in the perfect way... not mentioning the type of weapon gives citizens the right to own that weapon which will allow them to defend themselves against any weapon of the time. Back then it was muskets... today it's an AR15. Wouldn't have made much sense to have had a law that allowed citizens to carry muskets forever... while the rest of the world and the government could create newer and better weapons... our forefathers used the term "arms" on purpose and for that very reason.

I realize that, as many other people do, but my fear is that the majority don't...and even worse is the fact that they don't realize what the right to bear arms really means, it has nothing to do with hunting at all.....a politician puts the spin on it that we don't need those type of weapons to kill a deer, and they nod their heads in agreement, hopefully I'm underestimating how fed up people are getting with the way these laws are being passed.

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I bet the number of people who are casual gun owners is probably staggering.........These are the people who probably go skeet shooting once a year, hunting to them is buying their license the day before deer season and going out one or two times, those who own a gun they inherited and probably never use, I can think of a dozen people I know who have a gun in a case tucked away in some closet in their house and haven't touched it in years.......... I'm sure they're not idiots by any stretch of the imagination, but their lives don't revolve around gun ownership and hunting and shooting forums. One would think that with the money the NRA spends on solicitations every year, that they could send out a mass mailing to residents of NYS informing them of the SAFE ACT and what it means to everyone.


That has been my experience with several gun owners.  I was skeet shooting a month ago and I was discussing the safe act impact on ammo availabilty.  I said to 2 shooters that more people would likely be reloading since it is no longer possible to mail order ammo into NY.  One guy said, "That only applies to pistol ammo,right?"  So I spent another 5 minutes educating these guys about the impact of Cuomo's Tyranny. 

One guy came on a local gun forum last week, and stated he had just purchased a 9mm pistol and couldn't find any ammo for it.  He tried the internet, but all the companies he contacted wouldn't ship to NY!!!   Really!

Like jjb4900 expressed, too many casual shooters that are uninformed.

I've repeatedly stated that "Our Governor has made victims out of law abiding gun owners."  We will continue to pay more for ammo and 10rd mags, than the rest of the country.

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I realize that, as many other people do, but my fear is that the majority don't...and even worse is the fact that they don't realize what the right to bear arms really means, it has nothing to do with hunting at all.....a politician puts the spin on it that we don't need those type of weapons to kill a deer, and they nod their heads in agreement, hopefully I'm underestimating how fed up people are getting with the way these laws are being passed.

and that is the reason we have to continue to do whatever possible to get the word out and educate gun owners and non-gun owners alike. I will bet that many on this forum have already learned a lot that they didn't know about the 2nd amendment and the attack on it and how important it can be to the rest of the Constitution. I say keep talking until everyone listens.

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and that is the reason we have to continue to do whatever possible to get the word out and educate gun owners and non-gun owners alike. I will bet that many on this forum have already learned a lot that they didn't know about the 2nd amendment and the attack on it and how important it can be to the rest of the Constitution. I say keep talking until everyone listens.




keep talking even if it seems no one is listening.  One vote at a time.

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