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lifetime license


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i got mine right before the last cost hike and will be getting ready to enjoy the fruits of having free licenses really soon.Plus its just great getting a big package in the mail knowing you didnt shell out $100+ for licenses.I would do it today if I didn't have it yet and I'm 38 so I have a few years on you

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sure is worth it, got mine at $50, at 73 it paid for.....several times over.

C'mon Bill, don't be rubbing it in .... lol. Most of these youngsters didn't get the great deal that we got for $50. Just the right age at the right time and NYS made us an offer that couldn't be refused.  But, even paying the long price, I would say that for someone that's 21 years old, and is dedicated to hunting, it has to be an absolute no-brainer.

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You would need a lifetime hunting AND a lifetime bowhunting and muzzle loading license, if you want it all now.  Or you can just get Lifetime Hunting license and buy the Bow and ML licenses each year at full price.  But if you go bow and ML hunting every year, better to get it all at once.


The price is a lot more now than it was a few years ago, and DMP's are no longer included free each year, but you're only 21, so it will still pay off in the long run.



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