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9/11/2001 Never Forget!


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OK, I'll let you call them what you want to, even though Orwell warned us all about government double speak.  Doc, you do realize Clinton was President when that happened, right?  How many years ago was that?  It was 20 years ago now.


What similar types of "homegrown" attacks have happened since then?


Now, what terrorist attacks not performed by "homegrown" terrorists have happened since then?


I'll choose to focus on today's threat, rather than something Leftists and government want to misdirect me towards in order to deflect outrage from what is happening right now.


Be careful how you allow the government to label people.  Pretty soon we, as gun owners, conservatives, NRA members, anti-SAFE ACT voters and pretty much anyone who protests the government's tyranny, may find the terrorist label affixed to ourselves. FYI, they already think of us as terrorists, they just haven't started vigorously calling us that yet.  Maybe they'll have us sew a yellow six point star on our clothes first.



Edited by Mr VJP
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OK, I'll let you call them what you want to, even though Orwell warned us all about government double speak.  Doc, you do realize Clinton was President when that happened, right?  How many years ago was that?


What similar types of "homegrown" attacks have happened since then?


Now, what terrorist attacks not performed by "homegrown" terrorists have happened since then?


I'll choose to focus on today's threat, rather than something Leftists and government want to misdirect me towards in order to deflect outrage from what is happening right now.



I'm not sure what difference time has to do with whether of not there is such a thing as domestic terrorism. Or maybe your point is that the deaths of those people don't count because it has been a few years. Whatever your point is, it still remains that the victims of domestic terrorism should never be forgotten, just like those of 911 and other victims of other terrorism events around the world. Time can ease the pain, but never is an excuse for not remembering the horror and the victims of the events.



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The point is, it happened, we arrested the perps, they were convicted, one executed, the others jailed, and it stopped!


Not so with the Muslim terrorists.  They have grown to be an even larger threat, with more attacks since 9/11 and they continue to vow to kill us.  


Nobody is saying any victims should be forgotten, but preventative measures need to be focused on the current threat, and not wasted on those the government wants us to believe are a current viable threat.  It seems to me our government isn't worried about real threats to it's citizens, as much as perceived threats to it's own power and control.  Radical Islam grows stronger and Obama goes golfing, but conservative groups are targeted by the IRS for persecution and Lois Lerner's e-mails are lost?  Go figure.


If you really want to honor the victims, make sure we doing everything we can to prevent even more!



Edited by Mr VJP
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The point is, it happened, we arrested the perps, they were convicted, one executed, the others jailed, and it stopped!


Not so with the Muslim terrorists.  They have grown to be an even larger threat, with more attacks since 9/11 and they continue to vow to kill us.  


Nobody is saying any victims should be forgotten, but preventative measures need to be focused on the current threat, and not wasted on those the government wants us to believe are a current viable threat.  It seems to me our government isn't worried about real threats to it's citizens, as much as perceived threats to it's own power and control.  Radical Islam grows stronger and Obama goes golfing, but conservative groups are targeted by the IRS for persecution and Lois Lerner's e-mails are lost?  Go figure.


If you really want to honor the victims, make sure we doing everything we can to prevent even more!


While I think 911 and the victims of that atrocity must always be remembered, I am also ready to say the same thing about atrocity and victims of Oklahoma City terrorism which have been forgotten by many and seems to have some apologists that would like to push it out of the American consciousness completely. Mis-characterize the act if you feel there is some value in that, but I will always be here to set the record straight and give all terror victims the remembrance that they are due.

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I figure as an American citizen if any group feels the need to wipe my fellow country men, women and children off the planet then we have every right to justify your demise by any means necessary.  If you feel the need to attack the USA then I have no remorse when we attack you, or you are tortured or mistreated. 


Valid points on both sides Mr.VJP and Doc!


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